Chapter 330: Master!


Prepare for emergency surgery!

To everyone's ears, that phrase was a terrifying concept.

Emergency surgery, also known as resuscitation room surgery, is a super urgent operation performed outside of the operating room.

Super urgent!

What is super urgent?

Super urgent means that for every second delayed, the probability of death increases significantly.

Keep in mind, the resuscitation room is not an operating room, and it is not a sterile environment!

Performing surgery here means taking risks, including emergency operations with the danger of infection.

In light of this, one can see just how critical the surgery is.

Zhang Tao's face changed color, and even Qin Yue was greatly shocked.

Why the rush?

What exactly is going on?

At that moment, they had yet to comprehend the situation.

The ultrasound doctor, looking at the image, suddenly thought of something horrifying, "Dr. Chen... are you saying... a heart pericardial diaphragmatic hernia???"