Chapter 822: I'm Closing the Net, Hurry Up and Bite! (Adding 1 more for Alliance Hierarch You Can Achieve Great Things)

Perhaps at the beginning, Chen Cang didn't have so many lively thoughts and ideas.

But after two days of thinking, Chen Cang realized that an individual's capabilities are limited.

No matter how incredible, extraordinary, or breakthrough your personal surgical cases are, they are useless, as they will never earn you very prestigious honors.

Whether it's the Wu Jieping Medical Award, the Lasker Medical Award, or even the Nobel Prize in Medicine, they will never be awarded to a clinician.

Because how many people can you save in a lifetime?

That said, the purpose of these awards is to honor those who contribute to humanity.

No matter how skilled, wealthy, or invincible you are, without contributing to the public, you will not receive any awards.

Of course, this was the original intent of Mr. Nobel when he established the awards, and it differs from what the Nobel Prizes have become today.