Tears Pooja had in her eyes were way too real. It was hard to differentiate whether she was the culprit or the victim in this story. Seeing Pooja breakdown like that, Shiv stopped the interrogation for a bit and offered her a glass of water; she drank the whole glass. Shiv knew she wasn't lying. It took him another moment to get her together. As soon as he did, she had some harsh words to say,

Pooja(In a loud voice): You want to know who killed Vikram, right! It was not Dhruv, wasn't me either, it has always been you!! The person who raped me yesterday was not the Vikram I fell in love with, it was your SON who raped me!.... He was good, gentle, and a charming boy when we got together. He changed the day you and your wife decided to split up. Tell me honestly, did you ever think, how would that affect your kids? He started his drugs just three months after that. I stood by him thinking that I might be able to get him back, but it was never in my hands, it was in yours!.... I know you tell yourself that you tried but the truth being you were never home to see if he was obeying you. I broke up with him thinking that he might stop doing drugs… and instead of that, he started overusing it. I made a mistake by taking the wrong, but at least I was trying, but you didn't even do that! Your ignorance turned that kid into a rapist! The good little kid died the day you quit trying! YOU… MR. SHIVKUMAR RATHOD... TOOK…. YOUR… SON'S LIFE!

Rathod: I might have taken his life from him, but you were the person who killed him! I don't have time for your dramatic performance neither do I have time for your moral lectures. I only have few questions. Answer and leave!... Your fingerprints are all over the murder weapon. Anything to that?

Pooja(Shouts): I won't speak shit!

Rathod: Ok, did you kill him?

Pooja(Nervously): I... I...want a lawyer!

Rathod: Lawyer? I am sure you got that from some movies. Kids and movies! You learn a lot, don't you?.. Your father is sitting outside, I will tell him to get that "lawyer" for you! For now..(Opens the door and calls the lady constables in) Pooja Mahajan, you are under arrest for the murder of Vikram Shivkumar Rathod!

Pooja: You should know one thing,…I AM GLAD THAT MONSTER IS DEAD!

Rathod: Very much understandable! (Looking at constables) Ladies, take her away!

Pooja was arrested for the murder of Vikram, lady constables took her to jail. Shiv sat on his chair for a while, thinking whatever Pooja said before going. He was reasoning himself by saying that he did his best to save Vikram but now, he doubted "was it enough, did I quit trying?" Parents start questioning the way they raised their children as soon as their children make mistakes, it's always the parents who suffer for children and Shiv's condition was no different. Vikram's mistakes from small to unforgivable had brought him to that day. And a person's crimes are of his himself, and no one else deserves the blame for them, not even his parents; but it's never that way is it? Shiv was going through a similar moment, blaming him and considering himself guilty for his son's crimes. Few moments of closure was all he wanted, few moments to believe that he wasn't guilty, that he wasn't responsible. The pain and misery that he had was just a hollow space now, getting ready to be filled with disgust, disappointment, self-pity, and the first common step that everyone takes for self-destruction, guilt!