Third Prince

We began our stroll back purposely avoiding the crowd. My attention was captivated by the blooming flowers when I hardly noticed someone in my path. I slammed into him accidentally almost knocking me off my feet. He was hard, and he was muscular, he wore a training armor that made him look twice as big and three times as intimidating.

His reflex was swift as he caught my arm and steadied me to my feet.

"My apologies." I murmured half bewildered. "I wasn't looking where I was going."

"It's alright. Be careful next time, this place is always busy with people." His voice was casual and elegant, it carried a natural charismatic undertone that's hard to miss and I had assumed he must be one of the scholars or nobles that worked in the palace.

I inclined my head for a proper bow and thanked him for catching me. "Thank you for preventing my fall."

"No, no, it was none of your faults. I suppose neither of us is watching where we're going."

My lips curled into a soft smile uncertain how else to respond to him. I didn't want to linger in the conversation, afraid where it might lead.

I began to leave when he halted me. "Excuse me, miss."

My head lifted to his face getting a good glance at his face. He was handsome, so handsome that I found myself lost for a moment. I stumbled for the right word to respond. Then finally, I managed to say, "yes?"

"I haven't seen you here before..." He commented.

"Ah, yes. I just moved to the palace not too long ago,"

"I see, welcome to the palace." His lips made a slight upward turn that showcased more of his charms.

"Thank you." I stammered feeling the heat warm my cheeks.

"I hope to see you again."

I answered nothing as I forced myself to retreat. His words sounded like a dangerous invitation and I didn't want any misunderstandings.

"Have a good rest of your day, sir," I said instead.

"Of course, and same to you as well. "

I carried on and picked up my casual stroll back to my chamber without thinking any more of him or our fated meeting.

About a week later, I was surprised to receive a summoning delivered to my chamber. I was to join the imperial family for dinner this evening. The prospect of joining the most powerful family in their meal made me excited and nervous at the same time. I had yet considered myself a part of the family and this is all too nerve-racking.

The thought of meeting my betrothed visited me, making my chest swell with anxiety. I remembered the rumors, the harsh words the concubines whispered when I came their way. I was the unwanted bride...making my heart tightened with so much uneasiness.

I was bathed and prepared for the evening that I never knew the preparations it took to even join the imperial family for dinner. My hair was brushed so many times that I thought my scalp was going to bleed. I was wrapped in an elegant hanfu, much more luxurious than what was provided for my daily wear.

By the evening, I was escorted to the main dining hallway by my personal servant, Bailing. She walked with me all the way to the entrance then parted once we reached the dining room. I saw the emperor's closest kins, the crown prince sat next to the emperor's chair along with his wives. The first wife who came from a powerful neighboring kingdom, and his second wife, his cousin, daughter of the eighth prince.

"Come, Jasmine." The emperor greeted with a soft wave of his hand. He regarded me with the softness of his eyes as he watched me made my way to the table. His gaze had the enthusiasm of a young man that send ripples of discomfort all through my spine.

"Your, highness." I regarded politely. He gestured to the seat beside him, "take your seat. My son Hoon won't be able to join us tonight. He's on travel with my brother."

I glanced at the empty seat, taking my spot in it. I assumed this to be my future husband's. I was both disappointed and relieved at his absence. Our meeting will have to wait for another time.

My eyes lifted to the man sat across the table, it was the crown prince. His face defined with power. Strong jaws and cold intimidating eyes. His attention fixed on his plate without the slightest awareness of me.

I heard an irritated groan that made me yank my gaze away and paid attention to the woman next to him. It was his first wife, she glared at me with her sharp eyes that made me tear my eyes away.

I didn't mean for my eyes to linger on her husband, I was merely intrigued by the crown prince who sat across the table from me.

All heads whipped to the pair of men who stumbled inside the dining room and I was relieved to have the attention taken away from me. Laughter echoed as they took to the table and to their designated seats. I recognized one of them, he was the elegant man I bumped into last week at the garden. I was surprised to see him here. Who exactly is he?

He took the seat next to me, unaware to the girl next to him until he paid attention to the person taking the place of the second prince's seat. Our eyes met, and the same smile from a week before made its way back to his lips greeting me.

"It's you!" He murmured, a hint of delightful surprise rose in his melodic undertone.

"It's you..." I echoed with the same delight.

"You're the girl from the garden."

"You're the man I bumped into last week."

"I looked for you," he murmured conversationally. "I wanted to know your name, but you slipped away and disappeared. I couldn't find you, I had my men searched the entire palace, but no one reported of a newly hired consort or servant."

"My apologies, I didn't know you were looking for me. My days are cramped with busy schedules of training and learning."

"Training and learning what, if you don't mind me asking?" He inquired.

"How to be a proper bride," I answered slowly.