sleepless night

Giggles danced in flirtatious crescendo winnowing along the hallway, Hoon and I had long rested in our chamber trying to get some rest for the night. I know Hoon has an early day tomorrow and his sleep had always been regulated by his personal physician to prevent him from falling back into sickness.

It was past midnight when trickles of third prince Julong, along with a group of concubines came discourteously outside our door. His chamber is nearly adjacent to ours, but it's been quiet and empty without anyone occupying it for the last two years.

The crown prince's chamber, on the other hand, was rarely occupied. Crown prince Yuan follow a strict schedule of which day belongs to which wife and which wing in the palace he would stay the night.

The prince's chambers are one of the most guarded and most elegant chambers in the palace and I had assumed non-royals wasn't allowed in this part of the wing until now.

The soft laughter woke me in my sleep. I had long been dreaming by this time. My eyes fluttered open trying to adjust to the darkness when I raised my head to the distracting chirps. The trickling giggles were just outside our door disappearing momentarily as another door across the hallway slid shut.

It didn't take long before I figured out what's happening. Third prince Julong must've spent some time in the company of new concubines, getting drunk and later inviting them to his chamber.

The thought immediately sent a ripple of unwelcomed irritation. I did not like the idea of getting disturbed in my sleep, having unruly drunken neighbors, and third prince Julong bringing women to his chamber. 

My head dropped back to my pillow as I forced to shut my eyes. This was third prince Julong's first day back in the palace and perhaps, I should cut him some slack. I ignored the noises escaping through the cracks of the walls and doors. Though I soon found out the walls bounced off noises rather than dissolving them.

Hours passed and all I heard was the soft moans of young women, making my vivid imagination come alive, painting pictures to go along with the sensuous whimpers invading my ears. By the time the morning arrived, my eyes were red and swollen while my head swam from dizziness due to lack of sleep.

I had not slept a wink.

Hoon soon shifted behind me and groaned, his arm crawled around my waist, tucking me close to his body. He breathed on my neck, "can't sleep, Jas?"

I turned around and found my husband smiling at me. He looked wondrously handsome even at this time in the morning. "Don't tell me you didn't hear all those noises?!" I said sharply, couldn't hide the irritation in my voice.

His smile grew wider, adoring the rarity of my mood. "You're hardly ever grouchy in the morning."

"Because I hardly ever suffer from lack of sleep until now."

He chuckled. "Oh, forgive my little brother. He hasn't been home in a very long time. I'm sure he just wanted to have some fun. His princely privileges weren't available to him – at least not to this extent – until tonight. Besides, father practically brought all those concubines to the palace for him." Hoon kissed my lips. "Let him enjoy himself."

My forehead knotted to a scowl. "He's not going to do that every night is he?"

He let out a ragged exhale. "If it becomes too much for you, then I'll have to move us into our own manor. It'll be our little palace, you'll get to do what you want and however you want. I won't stop you. You can even prohibit little brother from trespassing." He paused. "Not really, but I doubt he'll bring women at his brother's home."

My frown vanished and replaced with a smile. "You always know what to say."

"Of course, I'm your husband. I should know exactly how to make you happy."

Hoon kissed my shoulder before sliding out of the sheets to get ready for the day. "Go get some sleep, Jas. I'll remind little brother to keep the noise down next time he bed women."

"Tell him to keep it private at the consort's courtyard!" I remembered the large pavilion on that side of the palace. It was rarely used then since the emperor was the only one lustful enough to enjoy that type of activity, but it seemed that place is going to get more use these days, now that the third prince is home, and he came back home a different man. "That pavilion out there was built for a purpose. Tell him to keep his sexual endeavors out there!"

My husband's laughter erupted. "My, my, you're quite a tyrant this morning."


The sun was up, and brimming slivers of light entered through the cracks of the windows. I slept until the middle of the day when Bailing walked inside the room and ripped the sheets away.

I snatched it back from her, trying to go back to sleep when she tugged the other end. We wrestled for the sheet for a few minutes before my strength gave up and let her have it. "What're you doing here, Bailing? It's too early in the morning."

"It's past noon, you dumbass!" She yanked the pillow from under my head and hit me in the face with it. "Don't make a habit of sleeping in this late."

I pushed up to a sit. "I wouldn't have if it wasn't for the third prince. Besides, I have permission from Hoon."

I let myself fall badly to the bed.

"The second prince will let you get away with murder it's up to him."

"Yep, you'll be the first one on my list."

She scowled and hit me with the pillow again. "Seriously, Jasmine." She said yanking the rest of the sheets from under me and forced me out of the bed. I rolled off, my messy hair cascading all the way down to my waist. "I must get you ready. An imperial physician should be coming here soon to pay you a visit."

"A visit?" I parroted bewildered. "What for?"

"You tell me, prince Hoon instructed me this morning to get you ready. He also told me not to let you sleep past noon."

"Oh, must be because Hoon and I had been eager to have children."

"I was wondering why you haven't gotten pregnant yet." Bailing rewarded me a curious peek over the clump of bundled sheets between us, then roared with laughter. "The second prince is shooting blanks as well."