the empty chambers

It was during the night when Hoon was away, he had accompanied his cousin, wangfei Ai per crown prince's request. Hoon was to take Ai to a province where her little brother, Hooney, is the duke. Wangfei Ai had planned for her little brother's wedding by the end of the month, but Hooney fought with all his resistance to postpone the upcoming event.

Something told me that arranged marriage wasn't going according to plan and based on the impression I got from the free-spirited duke, Hooney is more like someone who would want the freedom to choose his bride.

Hoon made a joke about binding his cousin while forcing him to say his vows. I laughed at his silliness and told him to give it time, love often takes time to mature. He said, he's certain that won't be the case with his cousin, then tossed his head back in laughter, drowning with guilt afterward.


Dallying footsteps echoed softly along the hallway. The voices of flirty concubines rose in waves and based on a clamorous undercurrent of their tones, I could tell most of them already had plenty to drink.

It was already late at night, and I had fought a while chasing sleep. It was Hoon's first day away and he's going to be away for a few more days. I tossed to my side trying to block the noise, but I could tell it's going to be a long night with Julong bringing the concubines with him.

The voices soon drowned muffled by his door closing, but as the night got deeper and most of the stray noises died away, the sound of laughing and giggling got louder.

It was discourteous, and it was rude.

Hours of my patience melted into irritation. I yanked myself out of bed and wrapped myself in Hoon's robe that he often wore in his sleep. The smell of my husband clung on his shirt, stinging my nostrils, making me feel secure.

The walk to prince Julong's room was not long, it only took me a few long and angry strides before I made it to his front door.

I knocked once.

No one answered although I heard the soft whispers of the concubines clear enough to know I was ignored.

I knocked again, but my knocking was drowned by their rising voices.

The third time I knocked, I made sure it was heard. I banged on the door.

"OPEN THE DOOR!" My bellowing voice erupted.

Quick footsteps rushed behind the door while I braced myself getting ready to let this person have a piece of my mind. I sucked at lungful of air expecting it to be one of the concubines when it was prince Julong who came and greeted me at the door.

I stuttered forgetting what I was going to say while he took a second glance at what I was wearing.

I wore a thin nightgown cut comfortable to sleep in, which was layered with Hoon's robe that's numerous times bigger than my size. My nightgown hugged my body a bit more seductive than the typical clothes he saw me in daily.

He stuttered forgetting what he was going to say.

I peeked over his shoulders, my gaze focused on the three concubines laying comfortably on his bed. Racy thoughts rushed in my head as I imagined all the lustful inappropriate activities they were doing.

The women returned my stare. Lips pressed as the fell into the sudden silence. They watched me like terrified cats cornered by a vicious dog. I bet they wondered what brought me to the third prince's door this evening.

"It's not what it looks like, we were just having fun. We were sipping on wine this evening." Prince Julong intervened immediately after he noticed my hardened stare.

"I could care less what you do, but please keep the noise down. I can't sleep with all the laughter happening." I said sharply.

"I was about to send them away."

I was angry, and I was irritated that none of what he said reached me. For a long time, I held my stare at the concubines that they began to feel that negative energy looming over my head, casting its shadow on them. I must look like some crazy woman to them.

Prince Julong groaned beside me, his breath reeked of sweet wine and more fruits I couldn't name at the time. He shut the door softly behind him, leaving the women inside. He made me walk a few steps back to my own chamber.

"It's cold out here, Jasmine." He whispered. "You shouldn't be out in the hallway dressed like that."

He reached for the door to my chamber and opened it for me; the twilight room breathes with no one inside. Prince Julong stared inside, silent for a long time. Then he turned to me. "Get some rest, elder sister. I shall leave you to this hallway tonight."

"Don't." I murmured. "It's too lonely in this large wing all by myself. Sleep in your chamber. It'll make me feel safe and less lonely knowing your just a room away."

He loosened a sigh. "There are guardsmen posted at the mouth of the entrance, they will keep you safe."

"I know, but they're too far away, and it's different."

The prince started to turn around but decided to let me in his mind before he went. "Do you know why I brought those girls with me tonight?"

To hurt me?

"No, why?"

"Because I know you're going to be alone, and I don't want to be here with just you and me by ourselves tonight. It's a large wing to have all to ourselves even if our chambers are separated. I know I won't be able to help the thoughts of you running wild inside my mind." He breathes gathering his thoughts. "You're tempting, Jasmine. And seeing you dressed like that doesn't help either. I'm trying my best to ignore you, but I can't when you make it impossible."

My mouth opened wanting to say something but prince Julong didn't wait for what I had to say, or he didn't want to hear it. He closed the door, leaving me in my dark chamber, walking the short steps back to his bedroom. I heard the door clicked and moments later, I heard footsteps of the concubines leaving him alone in his room.