Chunin Exams

Three months later

Akari's POV

"Chunin exams you signed me up for chunin exams." I said dumbfounded. "Yes and the first round is tomorrow evening, as to the ways of the war this year the Hokage has decided to leave the team event and to go straight for the preliminaries." Minato sensei explained. "We know your ready to fight Akari you'll be fine ya'know." Kushina sensei ended. "Fine I guess I could go for it." I said uninterested and Kushina sensei smacked me on the head. "I know your more interested than you show." Kushina sensei said.

Time skip cause Akari dozed off

The board started flashing names and it stopped it read: Akari Kato and Yuki Kiken. "It's your turn good luck." Minato sensei said as I walked down into the arena.

I met my opponent she was from the village hidden in the sand. We engaged in taijutsu battle until I punched her in the gut which made her fly into the wall and pass out. "Winner Akari Kato." The proctor announced. "YEAH THAT'S MY STUDENT." Kushina sensei cheered.

In the next round I was suppose to fight someone who looked way taller than me apparently. "Begin." The proctor announced. My opponent started doing hand signs. "Water style: Raging waves." He said and water came out of his mouth and started flooding through the whole arena making me jump up into the wall. "Lightning Release Bullet: Powerful Breath." I shouted out as I jumped from my position on the wall punched the water releasing all the lightning striking my opponent, he fell unconscious within seconds.

~Time skip to the final round~

"Akari hurry we're going to be late ya'know." Kushina shouted from down the hall. I ran as fast as I can, we were given two hours to rest and regain our chakra and then there was the final rounds. "So who do I have to fight." I asked Kushina sensi as soon as I got out of my apartment. "That's a some thing even we Jonin don't know." Minato sensei replied.

"The final match will begin in half an hour our competitors are Akari Kato and Kakashi Hatake." The proctor announced and my eyes widened. "Akari is everything alright." Minato sensei asked when he noticed that my mood changed. "Yeah I'm fine I just wasn't expecting to fight someone from the leaf." I lied to not tell them the whole story.

"Begin." The proctor announced and we both stood our ground expecting the other to give the first blow. "Earth style: Mudslide." Kakashi said as he put his hands on the ground. I quickly jumped onto the wall focusing my chakra to hold me up. "Lightning style: lightning strike." I said and strike lightning close to Kakashi's foot so it'll effect him but he dodged it and jumped back. We engaged in taijutsu, I punched him with my amazing strength and he tried to block but fell back due to the force. "Your still weak because you believe in emotions." Kakashi said and I got angry. I cast a low rated genjutsu to keep him distracted. But to my surprise he broke out of it in a mere second.

He came at me and got me pinned to the ground with my hand on my back. "Give up or I'll break your hand." He said. "Like I'll ever." I replied and he started moving my hand ready to snap it in half. I had to suppress a scream my hand hurt like crazy. I have to move now. I thought. And moved my hand towards the way he was bending it and dislocated my hand before I kicked Kakashi hard enough for him to take some time to recover. I relocated my arm with a little trouble and looked up to see Kakashi.

He started doing hand signs and I threw a kunai at him to stop his signs, still he dodged and continued on. "Wind: style wind shield." I said and a wind barrier surrounded me blocking any attacks at least I thought it did. "Fire style: fire ball jutsu." Kakashi said and I was too late to dodge it. I got blown into the wall due to the force of wind and fire colliding. I got up slowly but due to the injuries I could barely stand, I had burns all over my body but I refused to give up. Kakashi came at me to give the final blow but I kicked him in the gut and he flew a couple meters. He didn't move. Which was something I was grateful for.

I started loosing consciousness and fell down but someone caught me I saw a glimpse of yellow before darkness enveloped me whole I felt like I was dead.