
Akari's POV

I went to the training grounds to meet my team. "So your saying we're going to be a three man squad but where's the third member." A boy asked. "I asked her to come a little later so we can start of then, she's not known for being late." A female voice said. "Look on the bright side Hayato we can do the chunin exams." Another voice of a boy said. "Hi am I late." I said coming towards the others. "No not at all." Sensei said.

"I'm Sasema Yakushi." Sasema said with a smile. "I'm Hayato Hikaru. Hayato said looking bored. "I'm Ai Sasayaki, nice to meet you and welcome to team 14." Ai sensei said and the others turned towards me. "I'm Akari Kato, rank chunin, I like to train and spend time with my friends, I don't have any specific dislikes except I hate people who thinks rules are everything." I said and smiled afterwards. "Your chunin, but what are you five." Hayato said stunned. "Six to be exact." I said. "Alright we have our first D-rank mission today so lets get going." Sensei announced and we headed for our destination.

~Time skip six months~

We've been doing D-ranks for the past six months and I see Hayato cracking. I have grown onto my teammates now, Sasema is kind and he looks out for everyone. Hayato likes to show us he's tough but I know that he really cares about others. I have also been learning to get on with my strength, I can hit anything including people to a long distance I just don't now how I have this strength.

"For team 14 we have a C-rank mission today, you have to deliver this to the feudal lord's mansion." Gramps said handing us a scroll while the boys cheered and I tried to keep my self from laughing. "So how far is this mansion." Hayato asked after we exited the village. "The feudal lord of the fire nation has 4 mansions two not so far from the leaf about one days travel, one near the hidden valley which takes two day travel and the last one not so far from Suna which takes one and half day travel." I explained.

"What do you read to know all of that." Sasema asked surprised by my knowledge. "Books and scrolls what else." I said gleefully, as far as my teammates know I'm a hyper but serious six year old. "So, to which one of the mansions are we going." Hayato asked. "To the third one." Ai sensei replied. "Two days this is tiring." Hayato mumbled. We walked for five hours before meeting with rouges who were after the scroll.

"Wind style: wind blades." I said. "Ha that didn't do anything." One of the rouges said. "Yeah what did you do that did-" Hayato was cut of by all the rouges falling limp on the spot screaming. "You were saying." I said before I started to get a little woozy, which no one noticed.

We started to get to our destination in the evening and there was no other ambushes. We made safely back to the village. "Hey you guys want to go celebrate somewhere." Sensei said but the others left saying that they're going to celebrate with their parents. I knew sensei was trying to help me because I'm always alone after missions. I went down the road towards the tea shop. "Hey Akari come join us for some Dangos." Guy shouted out. "Sorry guys I just finished a mission I have somethings to do thanks for asking." I said before running towards my apartment I didn't feel like spending time with them now.

I showered quickly and went to Kushina's house. I knocked for hours and no one answered. Maybe they're on a mission. I thought. Turned to walk back home before a sound of something crashing was heard from the house. "Careful Minato." I heard Kushina's voice. "I guess their home." I said to myself before knocking again. "Coming." Minato said before answering the door. "Hey Akari, how was you mission." Minato said letting me in. I saw that the house was in a mess. "It was fine, what happened to the house." I asked surprised. "Oh we're just moving some stuff from my place." Minato said. "So you guys are moving in to one place huh?" I said. "Yeah you could say that, is everything ok Akari." Minato asked when he saw my glum face. "Yeah everything's fine." I said and quickly smiled.

Gramps called us early for a mission. I was the first to arrive apparently the others had thing to do before they came. I was still pretty gloomy after yesterday's events. The others arrived and we went into the Hokage's office and I put on a fake smile. "I'm assigning you a B-rank mission. You'll have to bring back a very valuable item back to Konoha where the owners will be waiting." Gramps explained.

We set off and reached our location in half a day which was not really surprising by how fast we went. "Keep up the formation." Sensei said as we ran towards Konoha. We were surrounded 10 miles away from Konoha. They aimed for the box we had containing the item. "You have to out run them. go I'll be the decoy you can do it." Sensei said and we ran. But once again we were surrounded by the same group. The attacked and Hayato got in front of me blocking a sword which went right through him. "No!!" I shouted as he fell down the light leaving his eyes. "Lightning style: lightning strike." I shouted and the lightning hit the rouge on top of his head killing him. I took a kunai and started fighting with another rouge until I heard a scream and I turned to see Sasema with a sword through his chest he was dead.

That's when I lost it. Something happened to me but not on my free will and I was faster and I killed all of them in a flash, before returning back to normal. I started blacking out and I fell to the ground I have lost too much blood and chakra. I closed my eyes falling into darkness.