Date And Surprises

Akari's POV

I went out looking for a dress to wear on my date with Kakashi, looking through the shops one dress caught my eye and I went into that store. "Looking for clothes huh." A too familiar voice said and I turned around to meet Kurenai. "Yeah I guess I am." I said looking at the blue dress I saw. "Kakashi taking you out on a date or something?" Kurenai asked smirking. "What about you and Asuma, going somewhere." I shot back and she turned red.

"What do you think about this dress?" I asked her showing the dress I was planning to pick. "It looks great, I think Kakashi would love it." Kurenai said and we shopped for clothes together. Kurenai picked a red dress with white ribbons on it while I took an aqua blue dress with black lace on the bottom of the dress.

I went home and got ready to for dinner, I wore my dress and matching heels, letting my naturally wavy waist length hair fall down. I stepped out of the room right in front of Kakashi who froze on the spot and I could tell that his mouth was wide open.

"I didn't think you would dress up too, Kakashi." I said teasingly and he snapped out of it. "This is not dressing up." Kakashi said and waved for me to follow him. "You look beautiful." Kakashi said after walking together for sometime. "Don't tell me that, you're blushing because of that." I teased again and he sighed. "It's not like you don't blush, Kari." Kakashi whispered near my ear and my face heated up slightly. "Bakashi." I said hiding behind my hair.

Author's POV (Oh how much I love Author's POV)

"Gosh old man, I love your Ramen so much." Naruto said slurping on his bowl of Ramen. He put down some bills for the Ramen and turned to go home when he saw Kakashi walking with Akari. Naruto stealthily followed them and was surprisingly not noticed by any of the elite Jonin. Naruto curiously and bumped into something and fell back onto his butt. "What are you doing here loser." Sasuke said getting up from the ground. "Hey, who you calling loser." Naruto said and they started to argue.

"Where did they go." Naruto said looking at the road seeing that the two senseis weren't there. "We lost them thanks to you." Sasuke said annoyed. They walked forward and stayed without bickering. "Sakura chan." Naruto shouted running towards Sakura who was hiding on the sideline of a building. "Keep it quiet dobe." Sasuke said as they stopped near Sakura and Naruto wined making her surprised. "Naruto." Sakura said glaring angrily at the boys who stopped fighting at the sight. The next thing Naruto knew was the bump on his head and they all turned to where the two Jonin were to only see them staring back at them from the road.

Akari's POV

While we were walking together I couldn't help but get the feeling that we were being followed. I heard the sound of something crashing in the alleyway behind us and I looked towards Kakashi and he was looking at me. We turned around at the same time and we saw team seven arguing and I sweat dropped as Kakashi facepalmed. The three faced us and Naruto and Sakura grinned nervously. "Come on you three." I said and they walked with us to BBQ.

Kakashi tried to protest about it but he shut up when I glared at him. We had dinner together and dropped the kids to their houses. "Let's go this way." Kakashi said and led me to the park. "I went on a mission to investigate the hideout you told the Hokage about." Kakashi started. "And you're saying this because?" I questioned. "I found this." Kakashi said holding out the necklace he gave me the day I left for the spy mission. "You found it." I said holding onto it. "Yeah, but the chain was snapped so I had to fix it, or I would have given it back to you sooner." He said and I nodded. "Well, Orochimaru did pull it hard from my neck." I said and Kakashi nodded understanding. "Let's go home." Kakashi said resting he head on my shoulder.

"I love you, so much that I can't lose you ever again." Kakashi said as I snuggled closer to him. "I love you too, even though it annoys me because of how overprotective you are." I said and we shared a kiss. "Thanks." Kakashi said holding onto me.

"Emergency Jonin meeting, I wonder why." I said mostly to myself while zipping up the Jonin jacket. "I don't really know, these things are usually planned." Kakashi said as I exited the room. "Lets get going then." I said and we shun shined to the Hokage's office together. "Kakashi, you're on time, I guess Akari is having a good influence on you." Asuma said seeing the both of us there. "Or is it because she can be scarier than she looks." Asuma said when Kakashi didn't answer. "Want to say that again." I said releasing some of my KI making most of the Jonin in the room step away from us.

"You're not scary, and very nice." Asuma said sweating. Everything retuned back to normal and everyone returned back to where they were before. "Kakashi my eternal rival, I see that Akari has returned back to who she was, now I challenge you for her heart." Gai shouted staying near Kakashi. "Gai you do know that, Kakashi and I've been together for a long time right." I said and he looked between the two of us before deflating. "You have won once again my rival." Gai said walking to Asuma and started talking again. "Thanks, I didn't want to have a challenge fighting for you." Kakashi said and smirked making me roll my eyes.

The meeting was about the upcoming Chunin exams, and both Kakashi and I agreed that it would be a good idea to let team 7 participate. "This would be great, and we can tell the team tomorrow." I said excited.

Next time

Akari POV

I was walking down the road towards a familiar apartment complex. I knocked the door and it was opened by the always cheerful Uzumaki. "Akari sensei, what are you doing here." Naruto asked. "Well, I had a free day so I thought that maybe, we could go have some fun." I said and Naruto brightened up. "Really me, not even Sasuke." Naruto shouted before coming out of the house.