Akatsuki Interference


I heard a splatter and my attention moved to Kakashi. My heart stopped seeing that Obito was holding a Kunai which was inside Kakashi's side. Kisame took advantage of my distraction and hit me with the sword making me move back wincing. "Akari." Kurenai shouted as she helped me up. "You have to interfere, no matter what he says." She spoke glancing at the scene.

~Now let's continue~

Kakashi's POV

"Obito, why?" I asked as our Kunais clashed. "Isn't it obvious?" Obito said ripping his mask off and throwing it into the water. "You killed Rin Kakashi, with your bare hands." Obito shouted out a crazed smile taking over his features. "I- I'm sorry, I-" "Enough Kakashi, trash should not speak." Obito interrupted me lunging back at me. We kept on launching jutsu after jutsu at each other and before I knew it I started making hand signs to chidori as obito moved towards me faster than I have ever seen him.

Just before the final hand sign my hand flattered as the illusion of rin's corpse came in front of me. I felt a sharp pain in my abdomen snapping me out of my trance, and my eyes widened in realisation. I coughed gritting my teeth in pain. "If you were this easy to beat Kakashi, you should have died that day, instead of Rin, you should have protected her." Obito yelled at me like a maniac. Obito began twisting the Kunai but he was stopped by an explosion tagged kunai coming at him.

Obito yanked the kunai out of me making me hiss and almost falling into the water.

Akari's POV

I thought on my feet throwing a Kunai at Obito with an explosion tag attached to it. What I didn't expect was for Obito to pull the Kunai he was holding out of Kakashi before he jumped back. Kakashi let out a hiss as I managed to reach him grabbing him by the arm to stop him from falling into the water. I moved my hand over Kakashi's wound to stop the bleeding. "Akari, good to see you again. And if you didn't love such trash like Kakashi, you might also survive the sadness that you will welcome later." Obito said twirling a Kunai around his finger.

"If Kakashi's trash, I'm worse than trash." I said getting back into a fighting stance. "Wind style: Pressure damage." I said willing wind chakra to my fist and releasing it into the water creating a large pressurised wind barrier which was followed by a large wave after. I release senbons hidden in the attack at Obito before jumping back to the side of the lake where my clone has taken Kakashi. "Time to go Kisame." Obito said getting back on his feet.

"They're after Naruto." Asuma spoke said as I bent down to check on Kakashi. "How is he?" Kurenai asked and I reached my hand up shakily to check Kakashi's pulse. "It's a vital point, he's showing some signs of blood loss, but not too much which is great." I said and Gai reached us after chasing the S rank criminals. "We need to get Kakashi to the hospital." I said and Gai hurried to pick Kakashi up. "You guys can go ahead and report, to whoever we have to now." I spoke to Kurenai and Asuma before we I shun shined to the Hospital where Gai was waiting.

He laid Kakashi down on a bed and I hurried with a couple medical ninjas to heal Kakashi.

"Akari- nii." Itachi said jumping onto his feet as soon as I stepped out of the operating room. "We waited for you, but Gai said you were in the hospital." Sasuke explained to me. "It's nothing we can talk about right now, but we will later on. Sasuke, do you know where naruto is." I said turning to him. "Dobe was shouting about going to train with that white haired guy." Sasuke said and sighed in relief. "Akari, Itachi." I heard a stern voice and I looked up to see Shikaku san. "A word." he said and waved me to follow. We left Sasuke and walked with Shikaku and he led us into an empty office.

"First, how's Kakashi doing." Shikaku san asked turning to us. "He's stable, but the blood loss and chakra depletion, would take time to recover, including the vital wound." I explained and Shikaku san nodded. "Asuma and Kurenai reported that it was two S rank ninjas from the Akatsuki. One was Obito Uchiha, and the other was Kisame Hoshigake, correct." Shikaku san said and I nodded solemnly. "Did they give a clue on what they wanted." He asked. "Kisame did make a comment on finding a jinchuriki, so I think it means that they are after Naruto." I said and Shikaku san sighed. "How troublesome." He mumbled.

He dismissed us after asking Itachi some questions about Kisame, who conveniently was his partner in the Akatsuki. "Akari, we just saw Sasuke run out of the village, does he have a mission." Koetsu said seeing me exit the hospital. "Could this get any worse." I mumbled face palming. "Where was he headed." I asked him. "Something about going to find Naruto." He replied and deadpanned. "Can you tell Shikaku san I went after Sasuke." I said to Koetsu before running towards the gates. These Uchihas are going to be the death of me. I thought speeding up to the nearest village.

I bit my finger putting my hand on the ground summoning my loyal Summoning. "How can I help Akari." Sakana said observing her surroundings. "Can you sniff out Sasuke?" I asked her and she nodded getting to work. "This way." Sakana said running into the village. I followed her into a hotel and I quickly sensed Obito's chakra. I made it to the floor they were on and I saw Obito kick Sasuke to the wall. "Akari sensei." Naruto yelled out and I aimed my jutsu at Obito. "Water style; Water bullet." I said shooting Obito with the jutsu. He managed to dodge one but the other one hit him on the mask.

"Are you two alright?" I asked and Naruto nodded while Sasuke staggered to his feet. "Stand down Sasuke." I told him coming between him and Obito. "We are taking your Jinchuriki." Kisame said and the walls started to get covered with a weird substance. Jiraiya jumped next to Naruto making a hand sign. Obito and Kisame regrouped and hurried to leave. I turned to check on Sasuke to see if he has any wounds. The jutsu wore off and I noticed that the two S rank criminals were gone.

"What were you thinking Sasuke. You could have gotten serious injuries." I scolded him smacking him on the back of his head. "Hn." Sasuke said rubbing the back of his head. "You want to say that again." I said as my hair flared up in the air. "Akari sensei's scary when she's mad." Naruto said and I heard Jiraiya agree. "I'm sorry." Sasuke said and I hmphed visibly annoyed. "Are you okay Naruto, any injuries." I asked bending down to check on him.

"Akari, since you're here, any idea where your mother is." Jiraiya asked. "Somewhere around this village, why?" I said facing the sannin. "I'm going to ask her to be Hokage." He said and I suppressed my laughter. "She would never agree." I said not believing him. "Why do you think I'm taking this kid with me." Jiyaiya responded and Naruto started yelling at him. "Either way good luck." I said and signaled to Sasuke that we were leaving.