Telling lies?

Wearing in an oversized baby blue t-shirt, and tight silky panties underneath, is a small and petite boy, Johnny. His eyes darting from the wall clock in the kitchen to the front door. His little legs swinging as he sat on the stool, his puffy little face resting on his hands; eyebrows furrowed and a pout formed on his face.

It's way past his bedtime, he is supposed to be sleeping by 8 and it's already 10. He had been waiting for his Papa to return. The man had informed him that he would go somewhere and will be coming home late. He made a list of what he should do during the man's absence and expecting that he will do all his assigned works and sleep exactly at 8. He finished all the works except obviously, supposed to be in bed and sleeping. He wanted to be awake as the man comes home.

Johnny went to the living room to checked on his phone that is currently charging. Disappointed, he bounced on the sofa and leaned his head on the back of the sofa.

No messages or missed calls from his Papa.

He sighed and glared at the ceiling fan as if it was its fault. He felt his head getting hot and throb painfully, his eyes watering. He's frustrated. Slowly, he calmed his nerves and tried to smile.

"It's going to be alright. He'll be home soon," he mutters.

He roamed his eyes around the room trying to find something to keep himself busy while waiting for his Papa. He reached for the remote on the table and turned on the TV. Scrolling through a channel by channel he found nothing interesting to watch. Disappointed again, he turned off the TV and toss back the remote on top of the table. His eyes landed on the teacup and a little jar full of a sugar cube.

Johnny eyed the jar, biting his lower lip as he decided whether to do what he's thinking or not. Johnny is not allowed to eat sweets even tiny bits. His Papa had warned him after they found out that Johnny can get so hyped immediately if he eats a little bit of sugar or any sweet foods. His Papa had spent hours trying to keep him still because he had been running around the house and jumping on the couch. To his Papa's horror of him falling on the ground and almost hit his head on the edge of the table, his Papa carried him upstairs to their bedroom and spank his little bottom.

He checked the time and it's almost 11. He quickly grabbed the jar and puts one cube inside his mouth. He loves eating sweets despite what it could do to his body. He immediately felt a tingling inside his body. To him, sugar is a drug. He knew that he should stop but instead, he ate two more cubes. His mood changed now that he's eating sugar. He happily licked his finger as he hums and chuckles.

He was on his sixth cube when he heard the front door clicked. He stopped chewing the cube as he heard footsteps approaching and a voice grumbled sounds like cussing someone. He immediately put back the jar on the table and swallowed the remaining half cube he was holding. He wiped his face with his shirt and stood up, hands clasped behind his back, smiling widely as he waits for his Papa to enter the living room.

The man entered with his hand pinching the bridge of his nose and the other holding his phone to his ear. Johnny waited for his Papa finish to talking and fumble on his feet; leaning forward and backward.

He tried listening to what his Papa's saying but he's talking in a different language that sounds like German. He giggles at his Papa's voice because he finds him funny talking in that language. The man stopped talking and looked at him at the same time Johnny did. His Papa raised a brow and a displeased expression displayed on his face. Johnny immediately stopped smiling and lower his head.

He heard his Papa dismissed whoever he was talking to on the phone. He flinched slightly when the man sighed. He peeked through his lashes but immediately looked back to his toes when the man approached him.

"Why are you not in bed, Johnny?" His Papa's voice is soft a complete opposite to his body.

"I was not sleepy, Papa. And I was waiting for you."

"I told you not to wait for me, didn't I?" He heard a little bit of tiredness in his Papa's voice. Whimpering, he nodded slightly.

He decided to lift his head to see his Papa's face only to find out that the man's eyes were at the table where the jar of sugar was placed. The lid was slightly open. He gulped.

"Papa—" The look in his Papa's eyes made him shut his mouth. He can feel his little bum throb as if it remembers his last punishment.

"Johnny," This time, the man's voice was hard and solid.

"Y-yes, P-papa?"

"What have you been doing lately?" The man asked.

"N-nothing much, Papa..."

"Is that so?" The man turned his back and sat on the couch. His legs crossed against his other one. Arms across on his chest.

"Pr-promise! I did all the chores that were listed in the note you left. T-that's all, Papa." His eyes watered as he blubbers all those words. His mouth was formed into a little pout after, the man almost wanted to kiss him. He looks so adorable with his watery baby blue eyes and pink pouty lips.

"You didn't eat any sweets?"

"N-no, P-papa." The boy muttered, his voice squeaked when he heard his hard voice.

The man narrowed his eyes at the trembling boy. The boy hasn't noticed yet that he's trembling but the man did. But despite his trembling body, the boy is still undeniably adorable; blue eyes shining because of the unshed tears, nose slightly red, and pinkish lips.

Unfortunately, he has to punish the boy for lying to him repeatedly. It is in their contract that they have signed along with the rules of their relationship.

He sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose, "Go inside the bedroom, kneel on the bed. Wait for me until I finished showering. Any uncertain movements and another punishment will be added. Do you understand?"


Johnny has been kneeling for over 40 minutes, his Papa hasn't come out in the bathroom but he can hear him doing something in there. Johnny kept his eyes on his lap, even though he felt like standing up and jumping around, he knows that he can't do that. He knows that his Papa will spank him mercilessly for not following the rules.

His hands clenched above his lap, resisting the urge to tilt his head up. Instead, he entertains himself by tapping his fingers in his lap lightly and started counting in his head. It will help him from thinking about other things.

His breath hitched and his fingers stop tapping when he heard the bathroom door opened and clicked. He saw his Papa from the corner of his eyes approached their closet and pulled something out. He knows what it is. Every time he does something bad or breaks the rule his Papa would get the bag of toys and use it for his punishments. And he knows exactly what toy would his Papa use for his tonight's punishment.

Johnny, remained his eyes locked on his hands as he felt his Papa's presence beside the bed.

"Johnny, look at me boy," the grip of his Papa's hands on his hair while he forcefully tilts the boy's head back was painful but he liked it.

"Were you telling lies earlier, Baby boy?"

The man's eyes were getting darker as he focused on Johnny's face. He observed as the boy's eyes filled with tears. His heart broke as he did not want to make his beloved cry but he has to learn his lesson for not listening to him.

Johnny hated lying to his Papa but he was just so frustrated after waiting so long for his Papa to come home. He felt horrible disobeying his Papa's orders that he couldn't help it and cry.

"I-I'm s-sorry, P-papa. I p-promise I won't do it again. I-I won't lie again, I promise."

Johnny couldn't help but sob as he said those words. His Papa sighed but let go of his hair. He was still sobbing as he watches his Papa got the paddle out of the bag. The paddle is very big and it has a word in carved 'Bad Boy' on it. It is his punishing paddle. His Papa would use it every time he disobeys.

"You know that I don't like it when you lie, baby boy. We talked about this over and over again, yet you still lied."

Johnny lowered his head in shame. He couldn't deal with the guilt that was building up inside his chest. His Papa trusted him but he broke those trust again. He loves pleasing his Papa. He loves hearing him praised him when he does something good. He loves being his good boy, but he was naughty today so he must face the consequences.

"Get up, boy. Bend over the bed and make sure to stick out that beautiful ass of yours."

The man watches his baby do as he was told. He watches his boy trembled and bend over on top of the bed. The boy seems helpless as he sighed and crossed his arms on his lower back. His oversized shirt slid up just above his plump bum and show his tight boxers that define his beautiful cheeks perfectly. The man couldn't help but feel aroused at the sight but he controlled his emotions. Tonight is not for his pleasure, but his baby boy's lesson.

He went behind his boy and tapped his inner thighs to spread them wider. He heard his boy gasp but he ignored it. He sat just beside the boy's head and rub his covered bum with his bare hand. Johnny slightly pants as his Papa continued what he was doing.

Soon, Johnny felt his Papa slid his tight boxer off until it reaches his thighs. Warm hands continued rubbing his now exposed ass cheeks, his nail painfully dug onto his skin to prevent himself from moaning.

"You know the rules baby. Stay still and count each smack loud and clear. And if you miss, you have to count from the start again. Did you hear me, boy?"

Johnny whimpered upon hearing his Papa's voice. It was gentle yet full of dominance. He has now complete control all over his body.

"Yes, papa..."

His voice wavers and he felt his body tremble even more. He knows that this is his punishment and he's not supposed to feel aroused, but he couldn't help but imagine and turned on. His Papa fisted his hair and pulled his head back as he intensely looks into his eyes.

"And you're not allowed to cum until I say so. Do you understand, boy?"

"Yes, Papa..."

"Good boy. Now, count!"

The man forcefully pinned his head to the bed and released his hold. A loud smack can be heard inside the room, he felt the sting and the burn caused by the paddle. He gasps and shouted, "One!"

Another smack landed on his butt cheeks and it landed over and over again as he continued to gasp and count. He couldn't also help but let out a little moan.

He was halfway through spanking his boy when he noticed that the boy's legs were trembling so bad. He can hear his boy panting so hard as sticky liquid dropped on the carpet floor. He regretted not taking out the cock cage also or the ring. With that thought, he continued spanking his little boy with his punishing paddle.

On the count 25th, Johnny can already feel hotness all over his body. The bedsheet is wet from his sweat. His cock twitch every time the paddles landed on his ass cheeks and his hole clenched every time he felt the burns. He closes his eyes and opened his mouth to breathe loudly so he can prevent himself from cumming so hard.

Five more smacks and it'll be over. He thought.

Cumming was the only thing that's in his mind at that moment because his dick hurting so bad and spurting lots of pre-cum.




Johnny whimpered loudly when he didn't feel any smack and opened his eyes to look at his Papa. His eyes met the man's dark piercing eyes and he couldn't help but let out another whimper.

"Now, now. Why does it seems like you're enjoying yourself, boy? Didn't I tell you this is your punishment? Punishment isn't supposed to feel good. They're are meant to discipline you."

"N-no, p-papa. Hnng- I p-promise I w-wasn't... Hnng ahh-"

"Oh really now? Then why is your dick's so hard and your hole twitching like it's begging to be filled?"

"N-no! No, P-papa! Please, I'm-- I'm a good b-boy,"

"If you say so, my boy."

He let out a scream when his Papa finished the two blows with such strength. His butt cheeks hurt and burn so bad that almost made him cum.

He slumped further into the bed while panting so hard. Dark spots covered his vision and a hazy feeling clouded his mind. He felt the coldness of the air conditioner when his shirt was removed from his body. Johnny remained unmoving, exhausted from all the spanking. As he thought that his punishment was over, he loudly gasps when he felt cold liquid being poured above his ass, coating the gap between his cheeks and fingers rubbing his entrance.

"We are not yet finished, boy. You missed the last two numbers and now you aren't allowed to cum any longer."

He screamed and sobbed when two fingers were shoved inside without warning. His Papa didn't wait for a second and started fucking him with his fingers fast and hard. He felt his Papa's warm and big hands gripped his small dick to prevent him from cumming.

The man admired the sight before him. His boy screaming from the pleasure he's feeling but also from the pain of being denied of his orgasm.

The boy continued to scream and started begging for a release but the man sternly said no. Johnny buried his face into the bedsheet and bit the material. He groaned when he felt the man curled his two fingers and abused his prostate.

He yelp when he was pulled back against the man's chest and screamed again when another finger was added inside him. There are now three thick fingers abusing his hole and prostate. The man enjoyed the feeling of his boy's skin against him. Hot and sweaty.

He roamed his hands towards the boy's navel and up towards his nipples. He started pinching and tweaking the right nipple so hard. He felt pride built inside his chest when the boy responds beautifully. The boy arched his back and panted even more. He increased the speed of his thrusting and it made the boy lose his mind.

Eyes wide open, his right hand gripped the warm hand abusing his right nipple. Johnny let out a silent scream from all the pleasure he's feeling. Though, the denial of his orgasm is painfully torturing him.

"Papa, p-please. I'll be a good b-boy. I won't lie again. Please, please, please let me cum..."

Tears flowing down his cheeks and sweat covered his whole body. He's pushing back against his Papa's thick fingers as they spread his insides.

The man chuckled darkly, "Are you sure, baby boy? You disobeyed earlier and broke a rule. Do you think you deserve it? Do you think this greedy cock of yours deserves to cum?"

Johnny's stomach tightens at the man's dirty words. But he doesn't care. All he wanted is to cum. His balls are hurting so bad and his dick's turning blue.

"YES! YES, PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE! I'll do anything! Anything, Papa just please let me cum. I'll be-- I'll be a good boy. I p-promise. Let me c-cum please."

The man was pleased hearing his boy beg so hard, and his screams. It sounds beautiful to his ears. So, he gives what his beautiful boy wanted. He pushed the boy towards the bed on his stomach and unzipped his zipper. He didn't waste any time as he slammed hard inside the boy's channel. He grunted as it slid smoothly because of the amount of lube he poured. He continued pounding the boy's hole hard and fast and another beautiful scream enters his ears.

Johnny's eyes rolled further back when his Papa's large cock slammed inside him. He gripped the sheets hard, his knuckles turning white. Toes curling as his Papa gripped his waist so hard it'll bruise after.

The slap of skin against skin echoed through inside the bedroom. Grunts and moans can be heard from the two people joining their bodies together.

Johnny felt his Papa nearing his orgasm so he clenched his hole that made the man gone mad and increase his pounding even harder. Johnny's dick rubbed against the rough sheet as he was pounded hard over and over again. The man growled loudly and ordered Johnny to cum. Johnny lets out a silent scream and cum so hard, staining the sheets. His hole clenched on his Papa's cock even harder and soon enough he felt the man's load filling him inside. Johnny let out another orgasm upon feeling his Papa's seed breeding him. He continued milking his Papa, enjoying the spurting of cum inside of him.

The man panted loudly as he pulled out of his beloved. He watches as his cum leaking from his boy's abused hole. He fingered his cum back inside his boy and grunts at the lewd sight in front of him.

He left the boy and went towards the bathroom to clean himself. He went back into the bedroom with a wet towel in hand and found the boy passed out on the floor and head leaning against the bed. He lifted the boy bridal style and put him down at the center of the bed. He started cleaning the boy's body and his hole as his cum is still leaking. He tossed the towel inside the hamper and lay beside his beautiful boy.

He couldn't help but stare at the boy's bum. The words carved on the paddle imprinted beautifully against the boy's skin. He spooned him from behind and kissed the boy's neck. Johnny's hummed and hugged his Papa's arms towards his chest. The man felt warm inside his chest and buried his face against his little boy's neck.

"You were such a good boy for me, Johnny. Taking your punishment very well. I'm so proud of you, sweet boy. I love you."

The boy only hummed in response and the man couldn't help but smile.

I wore him out. He thought.

"Sleep, boy. You deserve it."

He kissed his little boy's neck once again and closed his eyes. Letting the exhaustion and sleep take over his body.

There, inside the velvety room, lay two bodies but hearts connected as one. Sleeping peacefully with smiles pasted on their faces.