Chapter 10: work?

Vardy no longer knows what he should say to the couple in front of him; why do they feel so good about themselves!

"You are going to be a big star, but before you become a big star, can you not block my way, otherwise it only makes me think that you want to be a door dog!"

Vardy said silently and left.

"What do you say to me, say it again and I will show you!" Ruthless words came from behind, but in Vardy's opinion, the man was just trying to be brave in front of his girlfriend.

Vardy didn't even turn his head, but just waved his hand behind him; the meaning was obvious-I'm waiting!

Now he is quite sure that the vision of old Vardy is really a little low. Perhaps it is related that he was born poor household. Whether it is the girl with strong makeup or the wife in his past, it has proved this point deeply.

Now, since I am here, there are so many beautiful women waiting for rescue, so there is no time to waste on these exotic species.


When he walked into the house, Vardy seemed to have forgotten the anxiety of returning home for the first time. But when he saw his mother rush to hug him, the heart that had been put down suddenly hung up unexpectedly.

"My little Jamie, how was today's game? You have just entered the first team, it is normal to have no chance to play, don't be discouraged, you will have a chance!"

She may have seen Vardy stunned and mistakenly thought he was frustrated because he didn't show up, so she quickly comforted him.

His father was sitting on the sofa with a dignified face, "Boys should be stronger, understand!"

He sounded like a scolding father, but Vardy captured the concern from his inadvertent eyes, and this warm feeling made him happy.

"It seems my acting is really good, you are all cheated!" Vardy quickly entered his character and smiled.

Both parents showed strange expressions as they did not understand what Vardy meant.

"I played off the bench for today's game. At that time, the team was two goals behind. It was my two counter-attacks that allowed the team to draw with the opponent. I am the hero of this game!" he said as he stood in the middle of the living room, pinched his waist, and raised his head with an exaggerated laugh.

But parents were looking at Vardy as if they were looking at a mental patient.

Needless to say, they must have thought that Vardy was greatly stimulated.

"Sit down and eat, Jamie, we just have something to tell you!" The father interrupted Vardy's laugh and coughed seriously.

It just happened that Vardy also had to tell his parents about youth training at Manchester United.

This is not a trivial matter.

"This is the case, you are about to become an adult. Judging from the current situation, football is difficult to become a means of making a living in the future, and you are not willing to study, so I discussed it with your mother and planned to let you go to a factory for work. The factory does internship work, where your uncle is a middle-level manager, and will not let you suffer!"

Work in a factory?

Isn't this the job that Vardy had before entering professional football?

Worked in a factory that specializes in artificial limbs. His job was to load carbon fiber into the reactor.

This was the work Vardy had done at that time.

If he had only depended on the weekly salary of 30 pounds, Vardy would have starved to death.

He didn't expect that even if he had crossed, he still didn't escape this fate!

In Europe and the United States, there is no such thing as living with their parent.

In adulthood, one must either go to school or become independent.

In the eyes of his parents, although Vardy has always insisted on football, he has no special talents.

In addition to running a little faster than his peers, this is not enough to help him become a big star; otherwise, Sheffield Wednesday as a third-level league team will not sweep him out.

So looking for a job now, at least in the future, he will have a means of earning.

Seeing that Vardy didn't speak and seemed to be in deep contemplation, they didn't speak anymore but left him room to think.

Naturally, Vardy will not go to work. Even without the invitation of Manchester United scouts, he was destined for the football field, plus with systematic help, he didn't want to be around any kind of carbon fiber.

After pondering this for a while, Vardy said: "At today's game, Manchester United scouts watched the game on the sidelines. He was very interested in me and invited me to Manchester United's youth training camp. I still want to be a professional player, so I promised them!"

Vardy's words almost made his parents jump up from the sofa and look at him incredibly.

Will he be lying?

This is a common thought in the hearts of parents.

Vardy shrugged.

He knew that hearing the news suddenly may surprise his parents.

After all, even the youth training camp of the third-level team does not want him. How could Manchester United, the biggest club in England, be interested in him again!

This was like a young man, being thrown away by an ordinary girl, but was fancied by another Beautiful girl, who was ready to madly chase him; it really does not make sense.

Seeing the doubts in his parents' eyes, Vardy took out the note, which had Langley's phone number.

"Well, this is the phone of the scout, you can call him, and you can also find his information on the Internet!"

Since he has come up with evidence, then the parents have no reason not to believe him!

Both looked at each other and saw surprise and disbelief in each other's eyes.

If Vardy can stand on the third-tier league club, then he can only guarantee that he will live a working-class life in the future. Then what can he establish based on Manchester United, which is becoming a world-famous star, these are completely two different concepts.

"God, I knew my son was the best!" His mother hugged Vardy tightly, almost covering him in her tears.

His Father also has no way to be majestic and even has a feeling of helplessness.

The name Manchester United really has too much of a deterrent.

Needless to say, for them, it was a sleepless night.

As for working in the factory, sorry, what the fcuk is that?

Lying in bed, Vardy could not sleep for a long time.

This was the first night he came into this world.

There were too many things that surprised him.

These things seemed to be broken into a line, tied together, bound into himself; he felt like he couldn't breathe.

Superstar teasing system?

Does it want him to become a superstar or a teaser?



[Protoss Blaatina DarkSun Lord_the_Dark ]

For the stones, You made me very happy.