Chapter 29: Make you unable to climb high

The moment the referee blows his whistle, all Everton players raise their hands to celebrate the victory; even Moyes was no exception.

Perhaps Moyers thought about winning at Old Trafford, but he didn't expect it to be realized so soon.

Vardy was completely different.

He has a stronger conviction than Moyes.

Although he never thought he would actually play, he was always ready to score!

Walked to the side of the stadium and greeted the boos. Vardy smiled happily.


'The louder the boos, the happier I will be!

'The louder the boos, the more miserable you are!'

'I am standing here!'

'I have defeated you!'

'Besides boos, what else do you guys do!'

'Fcuk it!'

Vardy may have forgotten that his ownership was still at Manchester United; there is a great possibility that he will return here in the future and play for these masters.

But it doesn't matter; he knows that he will never be embarrassed.

When he returns to Manchester United as a superstar, the embarrassment is definitely on those Manchester United fans who are now boasting and cursing at him.

"Aren't you afraid that some will throw something from the stands and smash your head?" Cahill walked over, and pulled Vardy away, who was still facing Manchester United fans.

Cahill and Vardy joined the team at about the same time, but on the team, he is a cold-core as the center midfielder, and the exchange with other people is just a tad.

But today Vardy's performance moved Cahill.

He is well aware that Vardy's speed means more shooting power for Everton, which mainly means stronger counterattacks.

Powerful people will naturally be respected by others, just like Cahill is now respecting Vardy.

Before the game, Cahill may not have cared about Vardy, the little boy!

"Don't worry, if someone really throws something down, then I will definitely thank his family!" Vardy said as he was dragged away by Cahill.

When he walked to the bench, Moyes hugged Vardy fiercely, which made him almost breathless.

"Your performance really gave me a big surprise, it was so beautiful!" Moyes smiled as if he was rejuvenated in the second spring.

"I will continue to work hard!" Vardy said modestly, he believes that after this campaign, his status in Moyes will be greatly improved, and his playing time will be guaranteed!

There is no doubt that despite playing only 20 minutes, Vardy, who scored the winning goal, was still rated as the best in the game.

In the boos of some Manchester United fans who have not yet left, he accepted the award.

The prize is a bottle of champagne, and Vardy knew this already.

When he took the champagne, Vardy was very happy, he planned to keep this very memorable bottle of champagne.

But before he walked into the dressing room, it was snatched away by several good friends.

When Vardy wanted to take revenge, he didn't know where they go.


Vardy thought Moyes would take himself to a press conference. but Moyes might think he was too young and had no experience in dealing with the media, so he took Captain Will to the press conference together.

Anyway, now, Vardy is not interested in dealing with reporters.

When he was about to enter the player channel, several reporters surrounded him and wanted to interview this famous young man.

That's right, it's just fame.

He scored for the first time he played in his career, still killing supergiants like Manchester United.

More importantly, the ownership of Vardy is still at Manchester United. Manchester United loaned him to Everton to play.

How explosive is this news?.

If you can get first-hand information, everyone can already imagine the following scene.

"Mr. Vardy, how do you feel after scoring the goal?"

"Mr. Vardy, why did you provoke Manchester United fans; when you warm up today?"

"Mr. Vardy, your ownership is still at Manchester United. Why do you still celebrate madly after scoring? Is this venting your dissatisfaction with Manchester United?"

"Mr. Vardy, do you have a girlfriend?"


A series of questions were thrown at Vardy.

Looking at the reporters who stopped him.

Vardy recognized several reporters who had squatted in front of the Everton training base.

He did not forget their contempt for himself and the insult they gave to Annie.

Want to be interviewed now?

At that time, you ignored my love, and now you can't afford to climb!

Even if this doesn't consider venting for himself, let's vent for Annie!

"Sorry, gentlemen, I am not suitable for this interview. I need to change my clothes!" Vardy smiled dismissively and pushed away from the reporters who were in front of him without looking back.

And walked into the dressing room.

Several reporters were dumbfounded.

They never thought that Vardy would be so uncooperative.

As for what he said about changing clothes, whoever believes this reason is an idiot!

"How can he ignore us, uncrowned kings?"

"Yeah, doesn't he know our importance?"

"Damn, so rampant, we must teach him a lesson!"


Several reporters were filled with indignation. I don't know how many times they cursed Vardy.

When he walked into the locker room, Vardy once again became the center of the locker room.

Everyone was unscrupulously arrogant and very happy.

"Let's go to Bar! My treat!" Gravesen shouted, waving his shirt.

Teammates erupted in more enthusiastic cheers, far-reaching the home team's dressing room, making the losing Manchester United players uncomfortable.

At this time, although Vardy was not at the press conference, he was still in focus.

"It's a pity to lose this game. We played the attack we wanted. We suppressed Everton the entire game, but because we didn't seize the opportunity, plus Everton's defense was very successful, and Vardy's attack on the ball was even more splendid. If I can predict the future, then I will not loan Vardy to Everton!"

Ferguson said calmly to reporters in the audience that the win or loss of a game could not affect the mentality of the coach.

Even if it was regrettable, he would not be angry.

"Mr. Ferguson, did you say that Vardy was loaned to Everton?" A reporter immediately asked.

Ferguson nodded sharply and replied: "Yes, Carrington's youth coach recommended Vardy to me. I saw him in the youth camp that he is far superior to his peers, but because our frontline staffing is full, Vardy may not have too many opportunities even if he advances to the first team, so we chose to loan him out. Now it seems that this was not a good idea! I think I made a big mistake!"

The reporters offstage laughed, as it was not easy to see Ferguson mocking himself.