Chapter 31: The broker problem

After waking up, Vardy really felt what it meant to be famous.

Because he scored a stunning goal in the game against Manchester United, his name can be heard throughout England.

Countless media are competing to report news related to this game. Although their reporters have not been able to interview Vardy, it does not prevent them from writing something Vardy-related reports in accordance with public opinion.

The article on the introduction of Vardy in the "Echo" was no surprise; everyone was surprised to find that this talented young man actually had such an inspirational experience.

He was still playing in the amateur league a few months ago, and in just a few months, he was able to play against Manchester United in the Premier League.

Is this a fairy tale?

What's more interesting is that Vardy is a Manchester United player.

He was loaned to Everton to exercise but gave a ruthless counterattack to Manchester United.

They all have a funny feeling that they can't say.

They can only imagine how depressed Ferguson would be.

Vardy greeted Manchester United fans when he was warming up, but the embarrassment of being booed also made him unhappy, which added more joy to the debut of this genius.


The next day the team was on holiday, and Vardy spent his day at home.

When the team regrouped, Vardy found that some of his teammates seemed a little drained.

Oh, how crazy are these rammed goods?

Well, it has nothing to do with him, and the experienced Moyes will probably not spare them.

Sure enough, although Moyes did not directly name and criticize these people when training, he let those guys do a few more laps alone, and the meaning of this was obvious.

Because today's training was mainly restorative, so the intensity was not great.

Vardy feels that he can do some extra practice for a while after training; otherwise, there really will be no place to vent his energy.

"Jamie, you should not have an agent yet?" Gravesen leaned over and asked Vardy.

Vardy was confused and did not understand why he asked, but he really does not have an agent now.

"Of course, do you think someone who was still playing in the amateur league two months ago will have an agent?" Vardy asked angrily.

Does this person think this is a place to show off?

"Scoring goals against Manchester United has made you famous in England, so I think you need an economic man to help you deal with some off-court matters, you know, any professional player has an agent, This will save you a lot of trouble!"

Graveson naturally would not know Vardy's thoughts and told Vardy with a guiding nature.

Thinking about it carefully, it is true.

I have not heard that professional players do not need agents.

As for the superstars, they need an economic team to serve them.

Even if he doesn't need it now, he will always need it in the future.

So nodded and patted Gravesen's shoulder, "Yes, you are right, I think I need to get an agent!"

Finally, Vardy turned to leave, but before he quit, he was caught by Gravesen.

"Let me help you, my agent Siveback, is a well-known Danish agent, he is dealing with my things outside the stadium!" Gravesen finally expressed his intentions.

Vardy scratched his head.


Who is this?

In his previous life, he only knew a few top agents, such as Mendes and Raiola.

These are all super-agents in football.

As for Sivebeck, he really hasn't heard of it.

And this guy is a Danish, while his resources are in England?

He wants to be a superstar, so he can't find a crappy second-rate agent!

So Vardy shook his head very simply, "I'm sorry, Thomas, I still hope to find an agent who has some significance in England!"

After listening to Vardy, Granvison shrugged and made a regretful expression: "That's okay, Siveback may be crying, but this has nothing to do with me!"

There is no doubt that it is definitely Sivebeck who saw Vardy's potential to become a superstar after watching his game, taking advantage of Vardy's lack of an agent to get a headstart.

Although Vardy has never heard of Sivebeck's name, in fact, this guy is really a well-known agent, especially after the transfer of Granville to Real Madrid; he became a top agent in a leap.[T.N- I check names and some are real like famous players, while some aren't so idk]

While Sivebeck was the first agent to contact Vardy through other means, it was by no means the only one.

As a hot super rookie, Vardy was like a delicious big cake, which made countless agents salivate.

These creatures called agents have a lot of magical powers; each has his own way of contacting Vardy, hoping to sign this potential new star.

Teammates, because of their faces, acted as matchmakers and asked Vardy.[T.Q- do you guys understand the meaning of the word 'face' if not I will start editing them with other words]

Unfortunately, the agents whose names he hadn't even heard couldn't get into Vardy's eyes.

In Vardy's view, he is still too lightweight, he was afraid that he might not be able to attract the attention of those big coffee, and there is no commercial value in him for the time being, he was not anxious to sign a broker, it is better to wait for his own name to become bigger than he would sign a real agent.

Therefore, Vardy can only say sorry to his teammates.

However, Vardy's attitude could not make these brokers retreat from this much of difficulties, and gradually he began to have big coffee attention, and the first person whose name Vardy had heard also appeared.

Jason Ferguson!

The youngest son of Manchester United coach Sir Alex Ferguson.

Vardy had heard some of the scandals that Ferguson Jr. had in his previous life.

This guy took advantage of his decent father's identity at Manchester United to intervene in the trading of club players.

As if it was later revealed because of the black gold scandal, which set off a lot of waves in English football.

Vardy didn't expect that this man would come to his door, but he wasn't surprised.

After all, he is still owned by Manchester United.

This guy probably thinks he is determined to get this contract.

Little Ferguson blocked Vardy's way out of the training ground.

Although Vardy wanted to leave, but Lord Ferguson's face had to be given, so he calmly got into the car with Ferguson Jr.

"Your performance is too good, it reminds me of Irving, although my father always thinks that the Portuguese kid will be the first person in the future football, but in my opinion, you are no worse than him!"

Ferguson Jr. behaved generously, just like a gentleman; it was easy to give people a good impression, but Vardy would not be confused by his appearance.

"your joking!" Vardy replied indifferently.