Chapter 35: I'm coming!

In Premier League's four rounds of battle, Everton has achieved very good results of three wins and one loss, second only to Arsenal and Chelsea who have four wins, ranking third in the standings; this is definitely the highest rank of Everton in recent years.

And Manchester City's results are one win, one draw, and two losses, ranking 13th in the standings, which is almost equivalent to their true level.

Plus Everton are at home; many people think Everton have a higher chance of a victory, and continue to consolidate their position in the standings.

Moyes was also holding on to this idea, so he chose to send two high centers and try to hit a goal with a header, which is quite unreasonable.

But here comes the problem.

Although the two centers are full of deterrence in the penalty area, their ages are there.

One is 33 and the other is 34.

Even if they are not that old, they are old. Manchester City's central defender has no respect for the elderly.

With the juvenile spirit and ideas, all kinds of methods came out, making both Ferguson and Campbell very uncomfortable.

And Everton's two full-backs Osman and Carsley, are not strong in fast breakthrough, so they can't play the effect of two flying wings from the sides, and passing the ball is not a very steadfast decision in this situation, so the two centers can't exert their full power.

So as the game has been going for 20 minutes, although, Everton has a certain advantage in the midfield, but it did not create a real threat.

Judging from the 20-minute game, Moyes' tactics could already be declared as a failure.

Of course, Everton's defense was doing well.

Although Manchester City played several quick counterattacks, it did not threaten their goal.

Vardy sat bored on the bench, looking away from time to time.

Like himself, Sun Jihai also failed to start today and sat on the bench.

He could not help but have thought, that if he and Sun Jihai played at the same time, then this game could be considered a "Derby"?

As he was thinking wildly in his head, the situation on the court was suddenly stormy.

Manchester City suddenly strengthened their physical confrontation, and the midfielders also became more proactive in snatching the ball.

Coupled with the seemingly deliberate foul, the Everton midfielder couldn't hold it.

Cahill took the ball and was directly knocked down by the opponent.

As the ball was passed by Cahill to Ferguson's feet, Ferguson was immediately knocked down to the ground.

In the Premier League, a league that focuses on physical confrontation, referees will completely ignore some action.

As long as it is not in a key position and there are no major foul actions.

Seeing the referee did not say anything, both Cahill and Gravesen, nonetheless protested to the referee, but Manchester City took advantage of this time; to play a quick offense and hit the ball into Everton's penalty area three times.

In the end, Anelka scored.

No one thought that Everton, who had just attacked so fiercely just now, fell behind!

The fans in the stands booed.

They were dissatisfied with Manchester City's goal and even more dissatisfied with the referee's decision.

If Manchester City were fouled just now, this goal would not appear.

Vardy jumped up from the bench.

With an uncontrollable temper, he wanted to rush into the court to find the referee to have some intellectual talks, but before he could go, he was hugged by his teammates from behind him.

"Calm down, Jamie! It will not matter even if you go to protest. Didn't you see that Captain and Tim were beside the referee!"

Vardy took a deep breath and tried to calm himself down, but there was still a sullen breath on his chest that could not dissipate, making his expression look a little daunting.

This referee definitely has a problem!

This is the only thought on Vardy's mind at this time!

Even if the Premier League focuses on fast pace and confrontation, the defensive moves of that degree should be fouled, and this is Everton's home court.

The penalties should have a certain favorable tendency.

But as a result, the referee actually stood on the side of Manchester City!

It is a little strange!

"It's so disgusting, don't let me see this guy in the future, otherwise I will kick his brains out!"

Everton's protest was invalid, the game continued, and Everton's midfielder kicked off.

Moyes still complained to the fourth official about it; perhaps the score may not be changed, but at least it could put a certain pressure on the referee.

This is Goodison Park Stadium, Everton's home court; any other person or team must not be allowed to be arrogant.

After the game restarted, Everton's offense began to become more fierce. Whether it was the result of their back defense or the scale of the referee, they were angry, and they could never give up.

The two full-backs stepped up their assists.

At the end of a 45-degree pass, the ball flew over the restricted area of Manchester City, where it sounded the air defense alarm!

Manchester City saw Everton's offensive as being too strong and gradually began to retreat into the formation, stabilizing their defense, and striving to maintain their lead in the game.

Although the scene was very tense, Everton's threatening offensive was invariably limited.

Keegan stood on the side of the court; looked at Moyes with a complacent look from time to time, as if he was saying, "what else do you have?!"

The game time lapsed little by little, and unconsciously, the first half of the game was over.

Everton failed to rewrite the score and returned to their locker room with a one-ball disadvantage.

Vardy still did not enter the locker room with the main players to listen to Moyes' roar but continued to warm up on the sidelines.

According to this situation, he may be able to play off the bench soon.

Obviously, Moyes' twin towers tactics have failed, and the offensive ahead is unfavorable.

It must inevitably be adjusted.

He is also prepared, he has already upgraded his offensive feature [super-sub] to (Lv3).

At the beginning of the second half, Moyes didn't make any adjustments. Obviously, he still did not want to see the tactics he designed to die like this.

But after 10 minutes, Moyes couldn't hold back.

There was no way. Campbell's performance on the field was like shit.

Shit, he couldn't even grab a header; the speed wasn't enough; he couldn't even hold the ball at his feet, and became the terminator of Everton's offense.

Don't say, Moyes finally made the correct decision- Campbell came off, and Vardy came onto the field.

Okay, after McFadden, another victim appeared for Vardy to change position.

When Vardy was standing at the centerline of the sidelines, the fourth official had also raised the substitution card, and enthusiastic cheers rang immediately from the stands, even if he was only a substitute playing, but his name was already spreading among the fans.

In the eyes of many people, Vardy comes with an aura of luck; he will bring Everton victory, although this is a superstitious statement, but it is very marketable.

Vardy and Campbell hugged each other; he kissed the lawn, and then rushed onto the court!

I'm coming!