
This was harder than she thought it would be. Thank the Spirits,she could teleport. The situation was more dramatic that she had imagined it would be.

She was getting tired. Right now she was in England London. She had found out that she enjoyed travelling with bike. It was most relaxing. During the ride she was listening the souls of the people and she was getting more depressed by the second so she wasnt paying attention to the road. The next thing she knew she was lying on the road with a big headache and a man was hovering over her. He was wearing black and he had red hair. He wore sunglasses on a cloudy day. Most peculiar indeed.

"Watch where you are going miss."

Now that did it

"What did you say? Listen here mister,you hit me."

"No,you hit me."

"You got some nerve sir accusing this lovely lass for causing the accident."

A nice young man stepped in to help her. Too bad she was cheating on his girlfriend for four months. You would be suprised by how many secrets a person's soul can reveal. The strange thing was that her instincts were on high alert and so were her feelings. She felt strange. Like a man who is searching for gold but only finds rocks and then suddenly sees a light from the top of a mountain from where the rays of the sun hit the precious gold but the man can not find the precise location of the precious gold beacuse the light goes on and off.

She was sure. Yes,finally she had found the bond she was searching for. Or at least half of it. But they were in central London with dozens of people. No the presence was steady. It was either the young man that was defending her or the irresponsible driver that hit her. How nice choices. Her bad mood must have influenced her insticts.

"Cant you see the lady is in so deep shock that she cant speak?"

"I'm fine,sir. I'm sure this "good" man would want to have a cup of coffe with me instead of me becoming such a drama queen in the middle of central London that my performance would put Shakespeare's actors to shame."

"What? Ok,you are lucky im in a good mood today. Get in. I know a place. But only for an hour. And then i will pretend i never met you."

"We will see."

The poor man thought she was hitting on him but she just wanted more time with his soul. It was difficult to be read. Like it wasnt human. But something in it made her fell like she just won the lottery.

A few moments later

"Okay,spit it out woman. Usually im pretty good at readying people but it seems you are the exception."

Lack of modesty. We didnt start well.

"I'm looking for something. And for some peculiar reason i have the impression that you can help me."

"And what makes you think i would want to spend my time helping you?"

"Lets not get hasty. First i must see if you can indeed help me. An hour is more than enough for me to realise that. Sorry you didnt tell me your name,you practically kept silent during the entire ride."

"Anthony. And yours?"

That was a problem. Normally when people asked her she said a random name because she knew she wouldn't see them again. But this was different. They might meet again and she couldn't just change her name everyday.

"Oh right. You said in the car your name was Angelica. Stange. I'm not the forgetful type."

That was weird. She really liked that name but she was sure she hadn't said anything in the car. Then suddenly the phone rang and anthony picked it up.

And her instincts woke again.

Thats it. She had to act fast. There is a small amount if time when one interacts with another that their bond is exposed to the outer layers of the soul. During that time she could get a glimpse. And a glimpse was more that enough. She was speechless. She wasnt impressed no because that would mean that this bond was close to her standards and nothing could come close to her standards. But it was close enough. She had made up her mind. She knew first she would have to ask permission from her Mother for her choice but it was there right in front of her. The next part was the hard on.

Luckily Anthony was rude and was talking quite a lot on the phone in front of her. They would have to work on that. She had to "grab" the bond,in a sense, with her life energy. Like the humans plug their cellphones in a charger. After that the connection would be permanent. She would feel the bond,control it but also be affected by it. If the bond is damaged so will her body. And so she made the biggest decision of her life and connected.

"Yeah sorry to leave like that but something came up. But im a man of my word. I own you another thirty minutes. Here take my number and call me when you have time."

"Well then mister anthony,it seems we will see each other again."

"For the last time"

"Who knows?"

And then Anthony got into his black car and drove away.

Oh, they will definitely see each other again more than one time. In fact Angelica knew she would become a part of his life soon enough