Long ago

Some billions years ago,somewhere deep inside space,among stars and galaxies was a small planet. It looked like today's Earth but the comparison would be offensive for this little world. For this planet was gifted. With stars. Small twinkling lights roamed around the mere humans but no one payed them any attention. Perhaps,it was because these lights looked so much like humans themselves

The most important place in the entire planet was a small village in the top of a mountain. The names of the village or the mountain were not important. What was important however was a family of four girls. The village people had never met their father,mother or any other relative. Some were suspicious of the girls,others strict and others kind.

Also every morning they would disappear from the village and they would not return until late in the afternoon. Which was odd because the nearest town was miles away and they never returned with herbs or fruits from the mountain. Many believed they were witches. But in reality they were something entirely different.

Erika was tired. She had a tiring day and now she had to cook as well. Why today had to be the day she returned home first?She was sure her sister was late on purpose so she wouldn't have to do house chores. It was unfair. Erika had much work already and her project was in a crucial point. She started cooking the vegetables,mumbling, when she heard the door open.

She ran to the hall fully expecting to see Fotini but instead her older sister Andromeda was standing at the door. Her curly short red hair were wet. It must have started to rain.Erika was confused. Andromeda was always one of the last to return home. Where was Irini anyway?

"Ah,Erika. Good to see you. Mary will be staying with her sources tonight,she was getting a bit low on energy anyway, so i guess its just the three of us tonight. Its quiet here tonight. Did you two have an argument or something?"

Erika's replay came out with a quiet and concerned voice:"She hasn't returned yet. Fotini is not home yet."

Andromeda was stunned. For a moment she couldn't move but somehow she found herself clinging to Erika who was trying to leave the house and search for their sister. In the middle of a thunderstorm.

"Relax,she is fine. She probably had much work today" Andromeda was trying to calm Erika before she tried something unreasonable. Her class was talented at that

"Doing what? She is a fourth class Andromeda. She is in charge of a friendship bond. So what could have delayed her? An argument about movies?"

Andromeda was about to reply when the door opened again and this time it was Fotini. She was soaking wet and she seemed upset for some reason. But Erika,angry at her sister for making her worry,started yelling:"Where were you? Do you know what time it is?"

Fotini remained silent. If Erika wasnt worried before she certainly was now. Their bickering was their form of communication. When one of them didnt participate, it meant something was seriously wrong. Andromeda seemed to get it as well

"Alright,that's enough for now. Fotini go get changed before you catch a cold and I will help Erika prepare dinner. Although by the smell of it we wouldn't be having vegatables for dinner"

A few minutes later

The vegetables had indeed burned. Luckily, Andromeda was a pretty capable cook and she cooked them an omelet real quick. Fotini was still depressed and was barely eating. Andromeda was worried,she wanted to ask what was wrong but she knew Fotini would be reluctant to answer. She always was,around her older sisters. Erika was usually the one to whom Fotini confessed all her problems(even if it was as a part of their "arguments"). However,she doubted such a direct approach would be a good idea right now

"So Erika,how was your day?",Fotini asked trying to seem relaxed but it was pretty obvious she was simply trying to avert the attention away from herself

Luckily,Erika got the point and she wanted to complain about her day anyway.

"Awful. Today Marc was supposed to take Helen on a date and he showed up without a present. And then he had the nerve to say it was MY job to buy it. The nerve of that guy. I am in charge of this bond but that doesnt mean i do all the work. I'm thinking of transfering. I will keep Helen as a source and have her pick another guy. She is better off without him anyway"

Andromeda had heard the same threat before. Sometimes her sister was like a child threating to leave home.

"Come on Erika you have said the same thing countless times before. You will sort this mess out. I even bet you will retire with Marc and Helen"

"No,absolutely no. Marc and Helen having a family? Preposterous"

Andromeda was expecting them to get married within the next two years. It was clear they were meant for each other,even to her,a second class. She may had zero experience with romance but she was in charge of sibling bonds. That meant she was always around families so she could recognise a "married couple attitude" when she saw one.

"Speaking of marriages and families,Fotini,why are you like a third class who just heard a negative response to a wedding proposal?" Erika asked,determined.

"I am transfering" Fotini announced

Everyone stopped. Erika saying she would get a transfer was an everyday matter but Fotini was serious about these matter.

"Why baby sister,what is the matter?" asked Andromeda with a concerned voice

"Its Jason. He finally decided to give the title of his best friend to John,who knows only a few years, instead of Lucas,with whom are friends since childhood. Lucas and Jason were meant to be best friends,all my life i was preparing their bond for that and now Jason announced me today he wants someone "smart and influential" as his best friend. It is so unfair"

Andromeda and Erika were shocked,to say the least. That was indeed serious.

Right that moment,as they were thinking how to. comfort their sister,the door opened and Mary entered the house with a pale look on her face.

"Mary,what are you doing here? I thought you were supposed to spend the night with your sources"

Andromeda had a bad feeling about this.

"I was but something came up. I wanted you to hear it from me and not from somewhere else."

Now everyone was on edge to hear this important announcement.

"My beloved sisters,we are at war"