The "ally"

The palace was smaller one would expect. It didnt have gardens planted with rare kind of plants or many side buildings. It was just the palace. The inside was beautifully decorated with ceilings made from carved marble with delicate designs,a feast for the eyes indeed while on the walls were hanging portraits. The peculiar thing was the absence of wealth-demonstration. No gold,no jewels. The beauty of the palace was its elegance. And its location. The palace was bathed in light which brought out the brightness of the marble while the the portraits,due do their simple but beautifully crafted wooden frames,were maintaining their aura of respect,untouched by the present,as if these they never left the past. This place was unlike anything they had ever seen on Earth.

Such beauty deserved the utmost respect so Anna,Angelica,Anthony and Raphael kept walking silently,feasting their senses on this miracle. No one wanted to break this silence. The only thing that was heard was the sound of their footsteps on the cold marble. This silence seemed to make this place more beautiful than it already was.

But all good things must end. The messenger who had accompanied them there started giving them directions as to what to do and not do

"Normally,i would take you to change your clothes with more formal attires but if the Queen were to find out the meeting was delayed due to protocol she would get upset. So we are heading to the throne room as we speak. Your behaviour should be simple yet respectful. A quick bow at the beginning will suffice. Also dont inturupt the council constantly but say a few things so as not to appear ignorant or desperate. The council has 7 members. The Queen,her four sisters(two sitting at each side) Andromeda,Mary,Erika,Irini along with Paela and June,two of the highest officers. I will give you one piece of advice. Don't inturupt Mary or June. Paela is very patient by character so you will not have a problem. We are here"

The group had arrived in front of a giant wooden door. This had a different design of the rest of the palace. The calmness was gone. It was replaced with fear.

Before they could process these new feelings the messenger opened the door and they stepped into the room.

The council's chairs were placed circular around the room leaving space for the large map on the floor to be visible by everyone. Three chairs on the right,three on the left and one large throne at the centre

It was easy to guess who the Queen was. She was sitting in a large throne in front of the largest window and she was wearing a beautiful golden gown with bate shoulders. She had short black curly hair and brown eyes. But her look wasnt what you would call "royal".Her look was more like the one of a bored teenager in class.

Nevertheless,following the messenger's advice they bowed quickly and respectfully. Anna concluded that the Queen was unimpressed but pleased nonetheless.

I hate formalities. Even though i am the Queen,i don't like protocol and regulations. It always seemed to me that valuable time is lost. Luckily our quests were simple. Chris must have given them some advice. Thank the spirits.

"Greetings. We are glad because we made it here without troubles from the Shadows. You can relax. In here you are safe. They wont dare enter the Imperial Palace uninvited. You dont need to introduce yourselves and explain what happened. We are informed. We are gathered here to discuss the matter of your protection."

By protocol i was the first to start a council topic. This time i was grateful for the existence of rules because this specific rule gave me control over the flow of the discussion. For me the matter didnt need discussion. She had to be protected. But there were members of the council that had a different opinion. I may be Queen but decisions like this require the homophone approval of the council

June decided to speak first. Now i was sure this meeting would not end well.

"Indeed your majesty. I understand that this matter is delicate with Angelica be the first fourth-class in that universe for a very long time but...."

Something suddenly caught my attention

"June,forgive the interruption but Anthony why do you have that look? I'm sure Anna has explained the basic things of this world extensively. Right?"

An awkward silence fell on the room. By their looks i understood that Anthony was completely in the shadows. Unbelievable.

Paela must have seen the anger on my face and decided to speak before i started yelling

"Your grace,im sure Anna has a reason for it. Besides,since Anthony made the decision to trust Anna and not question further it would be unfair to spoil her plan like that. I understand however we should have been informed of this to use terms everyone can understand"

She turned towards the group with her look fixed on Angelica

"The situation is politically sensitive,so to speak. We have spent eons trying to bring peace and balance in the universes. The Shadows agreed not to disturb us if we leave them alone. But they have never been this aggressive before and we cant really allow them to hunt you down across the cosmos. So we have a dilemma"

"Personally i dont see a dilemma. Lets arrange a "dance" with them. That way she would have more change at surviving." Mary pointed out calmly

"A dance? How will that help." Raphael asked confused

"A dance is a test. The kind of dance,the music and the steps determine the nature of the hardships with which the Shadow will test the girl. It was a way to prevent the Shadows from hunting down the classes like animals. But in the present case I dont think a dance would be a good solution. Nevertheless they have violated the treaty. We need to get more aggressive."

"Why? Why anger them and risk taking out their anger on more young girls?" June was getting frustrated. She wanted this matter to be over.

"Why not hide here in the Capital? I'm sure they wouldn't dare search her here"

Anthony's idea was indeed a good one. There was just one small problem

"I assure you that the Shadows will have no problem entering even the Palace itself. Part if the peace was constructed upon the good relations the royal family has with their leaders" Irini explained calmly.

"And no one came as close to their leaders as the current Queen". June said with a hint of irony

"Are you implying that my past relationship with Paimon gave the Shadows more privilages? If i remember correctly you considered that affair a brilliant idea."

June was about to answer but Erika stepped in

"There is no reason to fight. I propose a diplomatic approach. We arrange a meeting with the Shadows,hint out that we are aware of their plans, without revealing that Angelica has visited us,and we evaluate our motives. If they are planning to violate the treaty we answer accordingly. If they want Angelica in particular then im afraid a dance would be the best approach. So?"

I liked that plan and no one seemed to object.

"Then that means the council is over. Chris will escort you to your rooms. Consider yourselves at home. I strongly suggest you remain in the castle until after the meeting with the Shadows."I announced and everyone rose as well and Chris guided our guests out of the council room.

But i wasnt done. I waited until everyone else has left and whispered to June's ear:"If you use my personal relationships to quenstion my judgement or objectivity ever again i will answer accordingly. And i know far worse things for you that a poor choice of a boyfriend. Is that understood?"

"Yes your grace."

After that she left the room seemingly displeased.

Being Queen was hard.