A new challenge

Third pov

Johanna didnt know how to feel. Or to be more precise she didnt know what to feel first. Her mind was like a hurricane and she was trying to distinguish the water from the air. Her excitement for this unique discovery was overshadowed by her anxiety just thinking of the numerous things that could go wrong. Anxiety which was overpowered by her confidence in her abilities but from time to time doubted if they were enough.

Haures was sleeping. He should be walking up soon. Paimon said that he had some errands to run but Johanna could see past his excuses. Paimon was afraid. A few days ago he had one brother dead and the other on the brick of death. Now he had a chance to get his family back.But also he could lose it all. Energy-carrying is much more dangerous than human pregnancy. Normally,when a Shadow is in such a condition it is releaved from all responsibilities but this was not possible in Haures's case. Also,the Dark Queen will not be pleased from this. She always dissaproved of the close connection between the brothers.

Johanna lost her train of thought when she heard a sound. She looked down and as she had suspected Haures was awake. His eyes were like deep dark voids without any life in them. The irony was his eyes right now reminded her so much of the universal darkness from which he had emerged but at the same time they seemed unfitting. They lacked his usual fiery passion,his short-temper,their sharpness. Johanna was partially glad to be the one responsible to bring back a glimpse of their previous light.

She tool the papers with the energy tests and showed them to him. But his eyes remained unfixed.

"Read it. I promise you, once you do,you will wish you knew sooner. I know that you know how to read them,i dont have to explain them"

After a few good looks,he sat up in bed and took the papers from Johanna's hands. She could feel her energy pulsing with worry. If he didnt believe her,if he thought it was some kind of sick joke,he could kill himself right there and now.

But then she saw tears in his eyes. That was the biggest surprise of her existence. The Grand Prince of the Shadows doesnt cry. But it was unreasonable of her after all this that something cannot happen

She had to get him food and water. He hasnt eaten properly in days and that was dangerous in his present condition. Shadows were beings of energy. Their physical forms were modified energy to resemble a body structure but nevertheless it had the same demands in nutrients. A disruption in the body's fuction could cause serious energy imbalance.That meant she also had to run a complete physical check now that he once again had comminication with his surroundings.

She ran into Paimon in her way downstairs. Of course,she could have called one of the servants but she wanted to pick the food herself. These ignorant lower-class Shadows were capable to bring him even alcohol which us known for inturupting the energy transfer inside the body

"Paimon,good to see you. He is awake. Go upstairs to see for youself and i will be coming back up shortly with the food.",she said in a hurry but Paiomon simply grabbed by her arm and brought her closer

"Two things. First,you need to calm down. We have an entire year ahead of us and you are starting to lose your calm from the very first day we found it. Second,we have a bit of a problem. The Dark Queen is downstairs. Dont go down,she will know something is wrong. Hide upstairs until she leaves and in the meantime i will prepare Haures. Is he fit for an audience with her?"

"Medically speaking no. But knowing your brother,its his everyday job to act as he should even when he cant"

Paimon just nodded and continued his way to his brother's room. When he opened his door he was surprised to find Haures sitting up. He looked tired,in more ways than one,but determined. At that moment Paimon realised that Haures carrying Thanos energy was the best thing that could happen.

His older brother has been blaming himself for the loss of their younger sibling,even though that was untrue. No doubt Haures will see this as an opportunity to redeem himself,to fix his mistake. Also,Thanos was in the most safe place in the Universe right now. Before all Thanos was protected at Haures's side. Now,in his body, was unreachable.

"What are you looking at,brother? Did you really think i would just die and leave you on the throne? You would marry the queen of our enemies the next day."

Paimon must have been staring without his knowledge. Despite his immense joy to see glimpses of his brother's old self,he had to get him downstairs. The Dark Queen was not patient.

"And having to deal with the Dark Queen that is waiting for you? No way. Get ready before she comes upstairs and we will have to explain why your energy is being monitored like a nuclear reactor."

But when Haures tried getting up it became clear,it became clear that things would not run smoothly. When he stood up,he felt extremely dizzy. His brother caught him before the fall. The unbalanced diet of the past weeks along with the energy modifications taking place in his body have weakened him.

But they had no choice. If their ruler were to suspect anything she would make sure to separate Thanos from his family the moment he was back in the physical world. Even though the tok brothers argued on many things,the well being of their baby brother was an undebated issue.

So Paimon helped his brother up and assisted him in getting ready. They hurried despite Haures present fragile state.

The Dark Queen was waiting at the grand living room. She seemed indeed unpleased to have been kept waiting but she always excused her best subject.

"Good evening,your Majesty and sorry to have kept you waiting" Haures said with a steady and respectful voice.

"Dont think about it. Come sit next to me. We have much to discuss."