The offended

First pov

I slowly opened my eyes. I tried to remember where i was and what had happened. Taking a look around i realised i was in my bedroom. But,now that i think more clearly,didn't i faint in Angelica's room? How did i arrive in my bedroom?I looked in my left and Irini was sitting in a chair reading a book. Of course, Anthony must have notified the guards and they brought my sisters.

When Irini realised i was awake,she set the book down,obviously relieved.I must have been out for quite some time for her to worry like that.

"Good evening,how are you feeling?"

Was it evening already? That meant i was unconscious for at least 4-5 hours. No wonder they were so worried.

"Yeah,I'm fine but what happened?"

"I was hoping you could explain me. The guards just came searching for us in a frantic state,saying you had collapsed. When we arrived,you wouldn't wake up. Anthony said you were talking on the phone and then you suddenly fainted. We tried contacting Johanna but she didn't respond,which is peculiar because she always picks up her phone. Eve,my sweet,what happened? What did you hear that shocked to such an extent?"

I took a deep breath and tried to collect my thoughts.Yes,i was on the phone with Paimon.Talking about.....Thanos reincarnation of course. carrying Thanos's energy. I must have become pale again because Irini was in my side instantly.

"Are you ok? What is it? What are the dreadful news that make react this way every time?"

"They are not dreadful,Irini,actually they are a cause for celebration but at the same time what has happened can also result in a great catastrophe."

"I'm afraid I don't..."

Suddenly we could hear breaking and shouting. I recognised Mary's voice but i couldn't make out the words.Why was she so angry? Mary is usually so collected. What has made her lash out like that? And to whom?

"Why is Mary screaming?" I turned and asked Irini.

"I dont know. When we found you while I and Erika were trying to wake you up,Mary and Andromeda took your phone and heard the recorded call. They didnt tell us what they had heard,they were just shocked and then Mary started screaming at Andromeda.Erika tried to calm her down,but you know the state of the relationship between Mary and Erika. She was in such an angry state that i couldn't understand for what reason she was yelling.I didn't stay to find out more,you were more important.Now that you are better,can you please tell what is going on?"

"Not here. I hate to repeat myself,you know that. Let's go to Mary's room to calm her down and announce you what possibly is the greatest miracle of all times. And i think i know why is so angry at Andromeda."

"Great. Let's go."

In Mary's room

Her shouts could be heard from the hall. When we opened the door i had to push Irini out of the way because of a vase Mary threw at Andromeda and when she stepped out of the way,the object came toward us. Thankfully,I managed to catch it,but I was angry.

"Enough!Andromeda,Irini leave me and Mary alone."

"But...." Irini tried to protest

"I agree with Irini,if you have anything to say to me,you can say it right here and now."

Mary wanted to act tough but she would soon regret it.

"Ok. First of all,for those who prioritized my health over your curiosity,Paimon has informed me that Haures is carrying Thanos's energy."

I was hoping that the shock would leave them speechless because i didnt want to discuss that topic further right now. But it seemed today wasn't my lucky day.

"That would explain the fact that Johanna doesn't pick up her phone and she always answers."Erika concluded.

"How is that related to Mary's anger?" Irini asked

"Because she feels like Andromeda is stepping within her area of jurisdiction. As you all know,Mary,as High Spirit of the first class,is also responsible for births. But for this "birth" Andromeda is responsible as we are dealing with brothers. Overall,Mary feels disrespected.

"And I'm wrong? Andromeda crossed some serious lines"

"You think this is my doing?"

"Whose else?"

"Its absurd. How would i ever be able to take Thanos's energy and insert it to his brother? I wasn't even on the planet when it happened."

This was giving me a serious headache.

"Stop it now. Both of you. I don't care who is responsible,that is a matter that will be investigated later on. Now,I'm more concerned by the fact that,due to Mary's screaming,I have an entire palace,and soon the whole capital,asking me why the most collected of the High Spirits started acting like a jealous high school cheerleader who got dumped. You have put me in an impossible position. I can't tell the truth.That would cause panic and would expose our hidden communications with the Shadows. Also,the Dark Queen would be informed and I immagine the Princes are doing everything they can to hide this from her. So,what am i supposed to do?Lie to my people? Or deny anything is wrong? Both of these options will only buy us time but the end will be me appearing as unreliable and liar. Thank you Mary,your loss of self-control just doubled my problems."

"Now listen here this isn't the way to speak to..."

At that moment a guard came rushing in. Normally i didnt mind but I was already angry.

"What kind of behaviour is this? Since when do you enter the chambers of a High Spirit without knocking,at the very least?"

"You are right,your Majesty, I'm so sorry but the Dark Queen just arrived. She is expecting you in your office. I told her you were unwell but she insisted that it was a matter of great importance."

This wasn't a good development.

"Tell her i will arrive shortly."

The guard took a small bow and left. I felt a bit guilty for yelling at him.The poor man was yelled at by the two Queens in the same day. I'm not sure how he will remember this day.

"I must go meet with her. Although,i have a feeling for what she wants to talk about.And nothing that was heard here leaves this room. Let's see how this meeting goes and then we can discuss our plan of action."

They nodded respectfully,except Mary. Now she was angry at me too. She has never liked me despite our soul-connection.Also, she never forgave me for killing Dark Queen in my previous life and me dying in the process. We were close in my previous life and she was left deeply devastated after my demise. When I was reborn,she refused to give me a second chance. She chose never to reconnect with me again.

Now it's not the time to dwell on such things. I have a bigger problem to deal with.