The ball(part 2)

Third Pov

Despite the fact that the relations between the High Spirits and the Shadows were relatively good,the meetings between them were not usually conducted in a friendly manner. They have different views about everything and sometimes the Shadows feel more like diplomats from a conquered region rather than old,still powerful and potentially dangerous,enemies.This was untrue,however it was hard for the Queen to convince them because ever since the Dark Queen's "retirement",the Queen has essentially monopolized the political scene.

In the end,these kinds of social gatherings,were a perfect way for them to discuss and socialise with one another. Eve never really understood why the Shadows felt obliged to always attend the balls she organised. They could easily refuse and everyone would understand why. Maybe they didn't want to appear impolite or hostile. Maybe they simply wanted to enjoy themselves once in a while. She has been told that the Shadows don't host many parties. The reason is that they were always scattered throughout the multiverse.

Eve has left her mind wandering such unimportant thoughts as she stared in the night sky from the balcony she was standing on. She could hear the music and the laughter from inside the ball room but she felt untouched by these emotions. In truth,she wasn't feeling anything in particular. She hasn't felt like this in months and welcomed this emptiness. So,she just continued thinking nonsense, maybe because she wanted her thoughts to be proof of her existence since her emotions were long gone. Maybe this was a sign that there wasn't anything left to break inside of her.

"Stargazing? This is so unlike you,your Majesty. I would expect to find you talking to your guests. A hostess that neglects her guests isn't a very good one,right?"

"Paimon,please,I'm not in the mood for your sneaky comments."

"You don't enjoy yourself at your own party? And you use to criticize Haures for being too serious."

"Did he came?"

Paimon's attitude suddenly changed.His smile disappeared and he looked at her with an almost hateful look. The reason he didn't allow his emotions of anger to consume him was because he was concerned for her.And looking at her under the night sky,he was certain that something was dreadfully wrong. He imagined that if a sun could become a moon,its new light could match perfectly with the look on the Queen's face which was filled with a soft,depressing light,like moonlight,but still has remnants of its old bright sunlight.

"Unfortunately yes. I tried to convince him not to attend but he answered me this:"If you continue to treat me like I'm in constant danger I will make sure you find yourself in immediate danger". As you can understand I didn't protest further. Although,I would appreciate it if you could explain to me your line of thought behind this untimely idea."

"I'm happy to hear that Haures is still as prideful as ever despite the stress I can imagine he must be feeling these past few days."

"Stress? No,Eve,stress is something you are feeling when you are giving an exam.Haures is afraid and justifiably so.Don't tell him I said that because we will end up having another Prince's rebirth."

"Of course. By the way,how has he been lately?"

"Why don't you ask him?"

Eve and Paimon turned around startled when they heard the third voice,only to see Haures leaning on the balcony door. He was trying to appear angry but Eve could understand that he was feeling amused,although she failed to understand why. She had to admit that he looked tired,almost exhausted. These past few months must have been especially difficult for him. He may be a being of universal energy and thus could handle large amounts of it but having a part of your body where space bends,with your energy demands growing exponentially is very difficult.

Not to mention the fact that due to his time spent in the human realm the energy of Thanos has manifested itself in a body. Luckily,it didn't damage the space-bend process so it was not visible on Haures's body. Although,Thanos was still a baby trapped in a very small space. Johanna offered to do a small procedure in order to expand it,more for Haures's sake than Thanos's,but considering the fact that Haures has already undergone a very dangerous surgery,restoring the energy lines,both he and Paimon thought it would be wiser not to interfere any further. Thanos was fine but he must move and kick quite a lot. Haures must be getting the beating of his existence.She wondered if he could sleep at all. Nevermind,it will all be over soon anyway.

How? She wasn't sure. With the little medical knowledge she has,she suspects that the only way to get Thanos out of Haures was to turn his physical form back into energy,extract it and then turn it back to matter. She really hoped there was another way that she didn't remember because just thinking of the dangers made her head hurt.

Her thoughts were interrupted by a small cry of pain coming from Haures. It was barely heard so no one ,outside their group,paid it any attention. However its low volume didn't stop Paimon from running worried to his side.

"Are you okay? What happened?",he asked

"Relax. An energy line probably twisted in a wrong way. I don't plan on bringing back our brother in a place like this"

"Regardless,I think you should lie down,just to be safe.You can go to my room,no one will disturb you there."Eve suggested

"You can't be serious. I can't just disappear from an event like this."

"Haures,don't be stubborn. In fact I also think you should rest for a bit. You look rather pale. You won't be the first or the last guest to leave a party early. I also believe we should call Johanna from inside to take a look at you.",Paimon added.

Haures looked like he wanted to protest further but in truth,he wasn't feeling very well so he simply nodded. Eve led them to a door at the end of the balcony which was linked to a corridor.

"Follow it. It will lead you straight to my room. I ordered its construction for safety reasons. I believed my room should have more entrances besides the one at the central corridor.I will inform Johanna".

After they left,Eve returned inside. The sudden sound of loud voices and laughter after a quiet conversation under the night sky made her ears hurt for a moment.Then she saw Erika running in her direction.

"Eve,I found you. Listen,Johanna left just a while ago. One of her patients at the hospital needs emergency surgery after his health took a turn for the worst."

Now it was the Queen's turn to become pale but Erika, thankfully, didn't seem to notice so she continued talking.

"Too bad, however. We were having such an interesting conversation about physics. More importantly the interaction between our positive energy and the Shadows' negative energy."

After a moment the Queen remembered the theory. And she panicked. How could she forget? Besides useless she was also an idiot.Erika didn't miss the look of shock on Eve's face.

"What happened?",she eventually asked.

"Can you cover my absence,Erika?"

"You are the hostess. It will be very difficult to justify your absence."

"I know you will think of something.I don't have time to explain but I have to go."

"You know you will never hear the end of it from June."

"Right now,she is the least of my concerns."

After that,the Queen left the ballroom discreetly but once she was out to the main corridor she began running towards her room.

This was going to be a long night.