The birth (part 2)

First Pov

I was starting to feel tired. After a half an hour, I only managed to get one leg out.The rest of the energy was still inside of Haures's body or had come out as energy lines ,which were not so flexible as I initially thought. This was making the whole procedure more difficult and tiring for me but also safer because I could control them better. In the end I couldn't decide if I should feel grateful or worried about this new development.

Regardless,I was worried but for a different reason. First of all,it took me half an hour to materialise a leg,which was nothing but bobe,meat and blood vessels. How much time would it take to take an organ out?

A cough interrupted her thoughts. And this reminded her of the second problem. Haures has started developing a fever. Paimon tries to lower it but from the looks of it,it will only rise. The high temperature of his body has caused the energy lines to start pulsing which was making them a bit unstable but not dangerously so,for the time being anyway.

"Eve,can't you do something to speed up the process?"

"I wish I could,Paimon,but it is too dangerous at the present moment. Hopefully the organs will not take as long as the legs. How is Haures?"

"Am I your main concern right now?",Haures practically yelled.

"Yes you are one of my main concerns right now and if you..."

I suddenly stopped talking because for some strange reason I couldn't find any more energy lines. I remained calm and started searching with my hands the walls of the space.Maybe the lines have become attached to the inner walls and I would need to use my pair of scissors again but then my hands touched something else.

No,no! This couldn't be happening! Anything but this. And Johanna was still not here. My face became pale and I thought I was going to faint from the sudden wave of panic that hit me.

"Paimon,how high is Haures's fever?"

"It was 37,2ºC a few minutes ago. Eve what's wrong?",he asked as he noticed the new color of my face.I could see the anxiety on his face and normally I would try to calm him down but now he really should feel afraid.

"We have a problem. Haures I'm afraid you are having a "mixed extraction".The only things that are out are the toes of the right foot and the left foot.The other lines are forming the rest of the body while still inside your body."

"What? How did this happen?",Paimon asked concerned

"I dont know. I'm guessing the fever made the lines unstable. It was obvious from their pulsing. But it seems they converted into matter,which is more stable. We need to get Thanos out. Now! If the body is complete while still inside Haures then Thanos will attempt to breathe and he will suffocate."

"Okay,Eve,you need to cut me open. There is no other way.",Haures said determined

"With your fever,that is out of the question. The stees will be so bad it will probably kill you or put you in a coma. Also,you should consider for a moment the fact that you have a second brother who at the moment is worried out of his mind for both of you."

Haures looked at Paimon for a moment and Paimon' s stern look only confirmed my words. It was the most touching moment I have ever seen between them. Paimon showing his care for his little brother and Haures finally acknowledging it.

After taking a long and deep breath,Haures spoke calmly:"What if I convert into energy that entire area of my body. Then you can cut the lines that are connecting Thanos with me,which are already fragile,and extract him."

"That is actually a good idea. But are you sure you have the strength for it?Your energy will have the tendency to become matter again,to be in sync with the rest of your body.",I answered

"We can't have the perfect solution,can we?",he said breathlessly. It was obvious his fever was rising but his proposal was technically our only option right now.

"You are right. When I tell you to hold,you hold your energy in place while I cut the lines. Then you take a breath,so I can take the body part out and so on. Okay?"

He didn't answer but he had already started converting the middle part of his body into energy form so there was no going back now.

"Okay Haures,hold!"

He did so while squeezing Paimon's hand, who was stroking his damp hair. Meanwhile,I was busy dissolving the lines connected in the left hand(I wanted to get the limps out first).Haures was right,the lines had become fragile,they were breaking just by touching them. A few moments later the hand was free.


He obeyed and I took the hand out.

"Why didn't you take the head out first?" ,Paimon asked

"It's not ready yet and I don't want to risk damaging the spine by taking him out in such an unnatural position.",I answered.

The same process was repeated for the other hand and the rest of the right foot. But,by the time I extracted the right foot,Haures was already exhausted. When I told him to hold again,he let go too soon. I was planning on taking out the whole middle part of Thanos's body but I only managed to take out the part below the waist.He was still a bot at least. Paimon was very worried and tried to encourage his brother while still holding his hand.

"Come on,brother. You can do this. Don't you want to see our baby brother again?Don't you want to hear him smiling,nagging and complaining once more? I sure want to and I know you want it too. Just hang in there a bit longer and you will have him in your arms again.You are so close."

"He is right, Haures. I'm almost done.Just hold your energy in place a bit longer than usual and I will take the rest of the body out. And with the next hold I will take out the head and it will be done.",I tried to encourage him as well.

Haures's eyes remained unfocussed. His fever had risen and I tried not to imagine how high. He seemed to act purely out of instincts but our words seemed to have an affect because the next hold was so powerful that I succeded in taking out the entire middle part of the body and half of the neck.

"Yes,Haures. That was amazing! It was your strongest hold so far. One more like that and we are done. Come on,Haures,all that is left is the head."

I didn't tell him that this was bad news because it was possible that Thanos had ready tried to breathe while still inside his brother's body and he had died.Frankly,I didn't want to think of it either.Paimon was practically hugging his brother who was burning up at this point.I don't know from where Haures found the strength or the focus but he gave me one last strong hold. I was more careful and faster than I have ever been since this ordeal began and finally after more than a hour of hard work,Thanos was finally reborn.

"You did it,brother. And I'm referring to both of you. Haures can you hear him....",he started saying with tears of joy in his eyes when he suddenly stopped talking in horror,left Haures's side and he came running to my side while I was massaging the baby's chest trying to make him cry. After a few seconds of trying,Thanos opened his mouth and finally started crying. Although,it sounded more like screaming than crying. Im sure the entire palace must have heard him.

Paimon was so relieved that he took him from my arms and run to Haures's side who had fallen unconscious. I was so happy for them.But then I thought something terrifying.

Did Haures manage to stay awake long enough to hear Thanos's cry or did he pass out believing his baby brother,for whom he suffered to bring back,was dead?