Crashing part 1

Third Pov

-Are you insane? Who puts Caesar sauce in a tomato salad?,Angelica was practically yelling

-A lot of people,actually, Anthony responded just as angrily

-People with no food taste and no taste buds. Wait,how do you know there are people who violate food like that? Do you associate with them?

-As a matter of fact,I consider myself one of them. One time I mixed magionese with ketchup and dipped my french fries in there.

-Okay,that's it. I too have my limits. Eve,can we switch places?

Eve was sitting in the seat in front of Angelica's and she was getting more frustrated by the second. She even started to miss the council meetings. And her sisters. She was planning on relaxing a bit during the flight and organise her thoughts but that seemed to be impossible. The flight from England to France had a duration of approximately 1,5 hours. It has been only thirty minutes since they took off and Angelica hasn't stopped arguing with Anthony about insignificant things. Their most recent discussion about salads and dressings was their most serious so far. Before that they talked about cat's meow and dog's grooming. So it was reasonable to assume that Eve's nerves had started to reach a breaking point.

-No,Angelica,you cant.I kept asking you to the airport if you wanted me to sit with Anthony but you replied that it was a marvelous opportunity for extra communication time.Now you must suffer the consequences.

Angelica pouted and sank in her seat. Sometimes she acted like a spoiled child who didn't get what she wanted.

-I know but please....he is intolerable.

-I'm sorry miss but your friend is right. We are experiencing some turbulence so I would strongly advise you to remain at your sea

The flight attendant rescued Eve from a long and tiring conversation. The truth was the steward was keeping an eye on them for sometime now. Angelica and Anthony were really annoying and noisy at times,especially now and some of the other passengers had discreetly complained about the noise numerous times but after a while it became obvious that these two were not going to stop so everyone would just have to be patient. A few passengers were actually enjoying eavesdropping on their peculiar conversation so the atmosphere had lightened up significantly

The steward however was feeling sorry for the friend of these two noisy passengers and was taking extra care of her, keeping her eyes and ears open for anything she could do to help. She really was a big help but Eve didn't feel comfortable about this at all.After all,a few days ago was the Supreme Ruler of the Multiverse and now she was just a regular 20 year old girl,being tormented by her two companions. It was demoting to say the least.

Just as she was finishing that thought,she was shaken up again. The flight attendant wasn't lying. Turbulence had started a few minutes ago and it was only getting worse. Everyone was growing concerned but she was trying her best to calm everyone. As time passed Eve noticed that she was entering the pilot's cabin more and more frequently and each time she came out more stressed. Now she returned again and she was close to a panic attack.Eve didn't want to use that ability of hers but she had no choice. There was no way she would willingly admit anything that could cause full-blown panic to the passengers but Eve had to know what was happening.

She turned around to Anthony and Angelica.

-Whatever you do, do not look me in the eyes until I say you can.Okay?

They were both confused and a bit afraid but they nodded at the same time.

-Miss? Can you come here for a second?

-Of course ma'am.How can I assist you?

-Can you approach?

As she leaned forward and looked Eve in the eyes,the former Queen's eyes changed color and from dark brown they became gold. The pupil,now gold,expanded dramatically and was now occupying the whole eye.

-Now,I want you to take me somewhere private and explain to me what is going on.

-Certainly. Please follow me.

The attitude of the steward didn't change at all even though she was now following Eve's commands.She hadn't lost her free will,that was against the universal law,she had just temporarily lost the ability to think things clearly and thoroughly.

The attendant led Eve to the back of the plane and started talking calmly and clearly as she was simply explaining safety regulations. Thats why Eve hated that ability.It made people look stupid.

-We are going to crash,miss. A while after we took off,the pilots discovered that the course we were following was not the right one. They tried to bring the plane back to its original course but to no avail. They tried to notify the control tower but they were unsuccessful.Not only that but after they activated the autopilot,it locked on the given course and then they couldn't turn the autopilot off.Our crashing was inevitable,in the end,and we decided not to inform the passengers. We are all going to die,anyway. These people don't deserve to live their last moments in the midst of panic and fear. Please,don't tell them.

-How much time is left?

-The mountain is right in front of us. In five minutes,maybe ten we will hit it.

Despite her being under the influence of Eve's ability,tears started to fall from her eyes,a clear sign of how scared she was.

-Go take a nap.

-A beg your pardon,miss?

-You gave these people the gift of a peaceful death.Some may say that ignorance is not true peace but I don't think that is important right now. You don't have to worry. I won't tell them anything. I promise. But you also deserve a serene passing. So now....

Eve touched her forehead and she immediately fell unconscious. After that,she gently laid her on the floor. will say goodbye to this world the only way it deserves. With no words.

As she was returning to her seat,people noticed the flight attendant wasn't with her so they kept asking her where she was.

-Where is she? I wanted to ask when we were going to land. I can't miss my only grandson's graduation ceremony.

The old lady grabbed her arm and asked her sweetly. Eve didn't dare to meet her eyes.

-We should be landing soon. I take this flight twice a month to visit my children. They live with my ex-wife.

-Soon is a relevant thing. I am visiting my girlfriend. I hadn't seen her in a while but now that I have finally graduated,I'm planning to ask her to marry me so we will never be apart again.So I can't wait until we are there.

Eve kept listening to the hopes and dreams of the other passengers and she remembered what she said to the unconscious steward a few. moments ago "The only way the world deserves to be said goodbye is with no words". Right now,these people are saying goodbye to the world. But it was more than the world deserved.But,in the end,the flight attendant was right. These people will have the most tragic,unjust and blissful death.

As she returned to her seat,practically running,Angelica and Anthony looked at her concerned.

-Eve what happened?

-I don't have time to explain. I need you both to grab my hands and whatever you do,don't....

She didn't have time to finish that sentence because a loud noise was heard and everything went black after that.