The Fallout

Anthony was late. That wasn't unusual. In fact he enjoyed keeping someone waiting,it boosted his ego and pride but when that "someone" was your best friend whom you haven't seen in over a month,not being on time wasn't a goal.

Finally, Anthony arrived in Time Square at 12:30. He didn't see Raphael sitting on a bench and at first he felt a wave of panic surging through him. Did Raphael grow tired of waiting for him and left? In his fear,he looked around the Square and he breathed a sigh of relief when he spotted his friend sitting in a café on the opposite side of the road.

But his relief was short-lived. Through the glass he could make out his friends' expressions even from this distance and he didn't look happy at all. The opposite in fact. He seemed impatient and agitated. Anthony crossed the road as quickly as he could but he stopped at the entrance of the shop. Something inside warned him against going in there but he couldn't back out now. And he didn't want to. He took a deep breath,wore his brightest smile and stepped inside the cafe and started walking towards Raphael with his arms open, wanting to give his friend a warm welcome. But the cold look in his friend's eyes that greeted him as soon as Raphael lifted his eyes from his cafe and spotted Anthony,tore that dream apart.

-You are late,Anthony. And sit down,already,can't you see you are making a scene?

Anthony was shocked,to say the least. Some other customers had stopped whatever they were doing and were now looking at him.A few with curiosity,some with pity and others with compassion and Anthony hated their looks. They made him feel vulnerable. He sat down quickly,feeling embarrassed and angry. The waitress came to take his order almost immediately but that was no surprise. After all, Anthony has just become a moving spectacle in her cafe.

-Im sorry for my late arrival. I got delayed at the airport. You would think that after all this time they would have simplified the traveling procedures for one of the most usable transport means in the world.

His attempt to lighten the mood proved unsuccessful as Raphael's look didn't soften.Instead,he took a sip of his tea and looked at Anthony sideways.

-Speaking of travels,I am curious to know why you came to New York.

Anthony froze at his seat. Many might think that it was because of his reluctance to explain to Raphael all the crazy things that had happened recently,many of which he was sure Raphael would not believe,but deep down that was not the reason for his hesitation.

Anthony was hurt. His best friend had just asked why had he come to see him,like Anthony was a mere inconvenience,a bothersome obligation Raphael would have to deal with. He tried to stay calm but he couldn't keep the anger out of his voice and he also decided that telling his friend the truth would do no good.But before he had a chance to answer,Raphael's phone rang but he declined the call.

-Sorry about that. He is my editor and he can be quite annoying at times.


-Yes, didn't I tell you? I decided to finally publish my book. The one you insistently told me it wasn't good enough.

The last sentence was full of bitterness,anger and sadness but Anthony didn't care at the moment. It's true he had told Raphael his book wasn't good enough to publish but that wasn't his personal opinion. When Raphael first gave Anthony the manuscript,Anthony took it to a publishing house. His initial plan was for the book to be approved and then tell the good news to his best friend as an early birthday surprise.

But,things didn't work out as planned. They not only didn't like the book but the only thing they didn't do was throw it in his face. Anthony was very upset but he decided against informing Raphael of this because it would break his heart. Instead,he managed to convince Raphael not to publish it using only his personal opinion. Truth be told,it was one of the hardest things he had ever done. But if he managed to protect his friend from being hurt worse,then it was worth it.

However,now, Raphael was telling him that he had found a publishing house willing to invest in it. Doubt started growing inside his mind. Was he wrong? Had he crashed the dreams of his best friend wrongfully? Maybe his book was truly good but neither he nor the first publishing house appreciated it because,in truth, Anthony didn't like it either.

Anthony's delay in replying was interpreted by Raphael as a sign of awkwardness and guilt and so he continued his attack.

-What's the matter? You don't have anything to say? You finally understood your lack of taste and culture and it scared you? Well,too bad. Because I am not going to let you hold me down any longer. Understand? I have finally found someone who appreciates me and recognises my talents.

-That's unfair. I always respected you and your abilities.

-Well,life proved the opposite.

At that moment the door of the cafe opened and a tall,handsome man walked in and came straight to their table. He was wearing a suit and seemed to be in a hurry.

-Raphael! Finally,I have been looking everywhere for you. Sorry to interrupt you and your friend but we must really get going. I managed to arrange a book signing in Chicago but we must go now.

-Eric! Really? Thank you so much. I don't know how you do it. Anthony,this is my friend Eric. Eric,this is Anthony,he just came from Europe

-Pleasure to meet you. Europe,huh? You came such a long way. Raphael,we really must get going.

Anthony made a move to pay but Eric grabbed his hand, seemingly gently but his grip was stronger than it appeared to be.

-Please,let me pay. It's the least I can do to interrupt your reunion.

Anthony accepted it with a simple nod of his head without breaking eye contact with Eric. He didn't like him and he certainly didn't trust him.

By the time Eric pulled out his wallet,Raphael was already out of the door. He didn't even say goodbye to him.

Just before leaving Eric whispered something in his ear,so quietly that no one else was able to hear it.

-Weil Corner Medical Center,third floor,room 112. Go say your goodbyes. I would finish her off myself,but it seems you are doing a fine job on your own.

Before Anthony had the chance to stand up and punch him,Eric was already out of the cafe.He didn't chase him,he had more important matters to attend to after all.

But one thing was for sure. Eric was now on Anthony's black list.