The "weakness"

Lily was a simple woman with simple desires.She wanted a good looking husband that would spoil her rotten and a job from 9 to 5 with an adequate salary. In highschool she was the hottest girl in the school,the kind of chick that switched guys every other week so everyone thought she would just marry the baseball captain,they were together for two months after all,the longest she had ever been with someone. Too bad he dumped her after the graduation ceremony. The bastard told her he wanted something more "qualitative".

Anyway,she went to college,there she had to compete with other hot girls and she wasnt very successful at that.When she finished college,she was alone and penniless. Thankfully,she had managed to find a job as a secretary in a small investing company.

Everything was running smoothly in her life until she started making mistakes. The first one was to fall in love. With her boss. Who was too busy with his work to even pay attention to a woman,let alone risk his reputation by having a relationship with his secretary.The second was a direct result of the first.

When she was first hired,the company was not too successful,just a regular investing company like so many others. But suddenly they started making one grand investment after another and in no time they were one of the best investing company in America. She should have quitted then.She wasnt cut out for this and never wanted it. She was just a regular secretary who answered the phone and brought coffee to her boss.

But,alas,her naive self in age twenty five actually believed she had a chance with her boss and so she stayed.She participated in a lot of seminars,read so many investing books,watched YouTube videos about the secrets of investing that in the end she could handle a investment proposal all by herself.Thinking back to it,she didn't take advantage of the chance she had created for herself and that was probably the third and biggest of her mistakes.

Instead of pressuring her boss for a higher position with a better salary and prospects,she just requested to remain as his secretary. He gladly accepted but not because of his feelings towards her but due to her experience. She was his secretary for years and she knew how to help him organise his affairs. That,in addition to the fact that she now had investing knowledge made her the ideal secretary.

So,now,she was busy typing on her computer while trying to think of a possible date for the next board's meeting.It was safe to say she felt quite displeased when she saw a tall man,around his thirties,walking inside her office with a ten year old following him,asking her if her boss was busy.

-Im sorry but he is in a meeting right now and he wont be available for the rest of the day. Would you like to set an appointment?

All she wanted right now was get rid of them so she could get back to work. She hoped she would manage to finish at 9 in the evening and not 12,but that was her everyday dream for the past two years and it still remained unfulfilled.

-Thats too bad. We are friends of George and we haven't seen him in a long time.We just happened to be in the neighborhood and thought to stop by to say hello.

One word in his entire monologue spiked her interest and looked up to see that he had already sat down on a chair opposite of her. She let go of the keyboard and leaned back on ger chair while examining Anthony suspiciously.

-Friends? I had no idea Mr Smith had more than one.

-Oh,you mean that dreadful Eric.I wouldn't call them friends,more like business partners.

A smile full of anger briefly appeared on Lily's face that disappeared as quickly as it came but Anthony not only saw it but observed the simultaneous movement of her eyes to the side. He had found her weak spot so he continued hitting her there

-Personally, I despise him more than anyone. Eric is cold, manipulative and is surely using George for his own personal gain.

Lily didnt answer at first but then she looked briefly at the door and then the clock on the wall,as if she was trying to remember what time the meeting was ending,even though she had the entire schedule inside her head.After that she stared at Anthony one more time and threw her pen angrily on the desk.

-I dont like him either. Despite the fact that his financial advices had helped our company thrive in the decent years, there is something about him that gives me a feeling that I have to be on high alert.

Anthony wasnt really paying attention to her. It was obvious she disliked Eric for personal reasons and not because of her high senses so while she was talking his eyes fell on a small velvet box on the desk. He made a move to take it but the secretary grabbed his arm before he had a chance to get it. Maybe she wasn't as slow as she appeared.

-No,no.This is a personal item of the boss which has left me to keep it safe. So hands off.

-Im sorry if I put you on a difficult position. In truth,Im getting married soon and I am looking for an engagement ring and this box seemed to be the type to hide one of these.Come on. Let me. My girlfriend is so short-tempered that she will get mad if the ring isnt perfect and I am almost out of ideas. Besides,dont you want to see whats inside?

Lily knew if her boss were to find out she would be in big trouble.But one look would do no harm, right? Besides,it was for a good cause.She hesitantly opened the box a little but in her shock she left to box who opened completely and revealed a beautiful golden engagement ring with a diamond in the middle,so big that it reflected the rays of the sun.

Due to the pain of finding out her beloved was getting married she didn't notice the quick picture of the ring Anthony took with his phone. Suddenly,the door to the office opened slowly and Lily closed the box in panic while George was coming out with a potential investor. In the meantime,Anthony and Anna had disappeared.

The whole way to the hotel Anthony was playing with his phone laughing maliciously but Anna was getting angrier by the minute.

-What was that,Anthony? That wasnt the plan

-I know. I improvised. Dont worry,my idea will work perfectly.

Anna was starting to get worried.

-Anthony,what did you do?

-Simple. The one thing no best friend can withstand is his friend getting married without him being the first to know.So,I photoshopped the ring on the secretary's finger and posted the picture on social media. With the appropriate hastags of course. You wanted to distract,Eric? I think the marriage of his best friend will be enough to draw his attention. What do you think?

While Anthony was talking,Anna was getting more pale by the sentence and by the time he finished taking she looked like she was about to have a heart attack.

-I just told you. Anna,are you okay?

-No! I am not okay! When I say to do something it is because I know more things than you and I dont have the time to give you a full historical overview on the multiverse's history! I dont have the time to talk to you about the nearly extinct class and I surely dont have the time to explain that the custom of marriage was initially a part of their culture and it was a bonding ceremony that had nothing to do with romance!And last but not least,I dont have the time to tell you that people that have bonds of this class have the right to execute marriage as it was originally done!

-And by your outburst I understand that.....

-Yes,George and Eric do belong to that class and obviously George was planning to propose to Eric but not in the way most humans perceive it! And now,Eric is going to think that George relinquished that right in order to perform a marriage based on romance. And let me tell you,he is not going to take it lightly.

Anthony realised that in his hurry,he had acted without thinking and now things were only going go get worse. For him,for Raphael and....for Angelica.

Anna was still thinking while tangling her hands nervously at the same time.

-One more thing,Anthony.


-Hope that the spirits of the dead bonds of this class dont return because they will be very angry. They dont accept the idea that one of their own chose the third class over them. Not even as a joke.