Family problems

Two weeks before

Eve has been staying with the Princes for three days now and needless to say she was starting to get bored but,Surprisingly,she was feeling quite calm and relaxed.

At the moment she was sitting on the marble floor of the garden reading a book she had gotten from the library. For some strange reason she always preferred the Shadow's literature over their own. She found it more intriguing and honest.Their books have always made her feel like she was gazing at the ocean at sunset when under the dim light you could clearly every movement of the waves and you think that the bottom of the sea is hidden to you but if you look closely you will discover all the hidden beautiful details the bright light of the sun hides.

On the contrary,her people's literature was like the blazing sun in the middle of the afternoon.So bright and hot that distracts you from all things around you and captures all your attention.Some times their books are so full of self praise that they end up tiring.

Right now she was reading the autobiography of Charlus Dance. He used to be Haures's High Priest a very long time ago at a time where Thanos wasn't even created and Haures was a cruel and merciless tyrant. The multiverses may be destroyed when that doesn't mean that all knowledge that was acquired during that time. They had taken precautions against that. That's why every book's cover was coated with pure universal energy lines and when the multiverse collapsed,the books were being stored inside its remains,having a different form and when the time was right they would take their original shape inside the new multiverse.

Charlus Dane lived during the era of the previous multiverse. He wanted to record everything that was happening but Haures was too dictatorial to allow something like that to fool him,Charlus wrote his autobiography in secret and hid the book. When Haures found it in the present multiverse,he decided not to destroy it but to keep it. Maybe as a reminder of a past he wasn't proud of. Charlus chose not to be reincarnated,despite having the option as High Priest. No one really understood why. Some say he just got tired. Others that he was afraid of. Whatever the reason may be,one thing is for sure. Charlus never got to see Haures change and transform into the leader Charlus hoped for the Shadows.

As Eve continued reading the book,she was feeling more afraid and intrigued by the second.Charlus was describing with every detail the horrible tortures Haures would put through anyone who didn't fulfill his duties to perfection and even then no one was safe.He wrote about the public humiliations,Haures's short temper and fierce anger and Paimon's incapability to calm his brother down.

Eve couldn't believe what she was reading at times. She had known Haures ever since she was a little child and what she had lived was the exact opposite of what Charlus was documenting.Eve had never heard Haures raise his voice. He was the most calming and controlled individual she had ever known,although his face expressions would always reveal the extent of his emotions.

Whenever someone failed,Haures would always try to find a solution but that didn't mean that his frustration and disappointment weren't visible. On the contrary,Haures was the type you wish he would scream at you rather than look at you disappointed.But under no circumstances would he hit anyone,let alone humiliate them in public.

Eve decided to take a break from reading and enjoy tonight's night sky full of stars. With her eyes she was searching for the moon. She knew the lunar calendar by heart and so she knew that tonight there was a full moon,which she didn't see. As much as her gaze shifted,the bright full moon was nowhere in sight.

Slightly concerned,she stood up, carefully placed the old book on the white table and walked away from the garden,in the desert with the red sand.She started walking in circles but to no avail.In the end,she was forced to admit that there wasn't a full moon tonight.

That could only mean that Luna,the spirit of the moon,has left her position in the sky to calm down angry dead spirits that have woken up. But that hasn't happened in centuries.Normally,Luna would simply send one of her assistants to deal with it. For her to lose a date with her beloved Uranus,the spirit of the sky,it means that something very serious was going on. But what exactly remained unknown.

Suddenly,she saw Paimon waving at her from the garden. Normally,she wouldn't notice him but the marble garden,and anything inside of it,stood brightly in a unique way,in the midst of the dark,windy desert so Eve saw him the right way which could only mean one thing. It was time for dinner.

Paimon did not communicate with her much during her stay in his home but it was not due to indifference.Haures was playing a major role in Paimon's choice to avoid her. As much as Haures was trying to deny it he cared deeply for both his brothers,with Thanos being his favorite. However,that didn't mean that he was indifferent to Paimon's feelings or needs. Paimon was his big brother after all and they had been together eons before Thanos came to their lives. The bond that connected them was as solid as the foundations of the universe.

In short,Haures never really forgave Eve for dating his brother despite her knowing that she couldn't fall in love and thus hurting his feelings.After their break up,Haures had a really nasty argument with Eve, accusing her of not respecting or caring about Paimon's feelings. When he realized that his big brother remained in love with the Queen he was shocked but didn't actively try to control his life. Paimon was free to do whatever he wished.

But now that Eve was in his house,Haures was free to act as he pleased and he made sure that Paimon was always busy so he wouldn't indulge in conversation with the Queen. Paimon hadn't complained despite having understood the true intentions of his brother,maybe because he respected and somehow enjoyed Haures's concern or maybe because he knew that a conversation like that would be pointless. Whatever the reason may be,Paimon chose not to confront his brother on the subject and use his patience instead,which he believed to be plenty.

But at tonight's dinner Paimon was starting to doubt that. For some strange reason Haures was extremely annoying tonight. He wouldn't stop talking about work and whenever Eve attempted to start a conversation Haures would shush her in the most offensive way. From a point on it made Paimon feel uncomfortable and in need to apologize on his brother's behalf. But instead,he preferred to wait until dinner was over.

When they finally finished and in the presence of the Queen so she would know that this rude behavior would not be repeated,Paimon politely asked Haures to have a talk with him outside and he followed him outside.

The sound of doors closing was the sweetest sound he had heard in a while,except Thanos's first cry in Eve's room after he was reborn. Finally,he was free.

-What in the names of all the multiverses was that?

Haures didn't answer immediately,still processing the shock and surprise of hearing Paimon yell. His brother rarely raised his voice.

-I don't understand what you mean.

-Don't use that trick on me. It's unbecoming of you and your character.The way you treated Eve during dinner was unacceptable.

-Ah,so this is what is going on?Eve's feelings?

-No. In the past few days you have been trying to isolate Eve.She is our guest Haures,not our prisoner. I made it clear that I understood your anger and I still do but it is no excuse to offend our hospitality and treat the Queen like a beggar you were forced to accept into your home!Have I made myself clear?

Haures listened without interrupting with a sad smile on his face and his hands crossed on his chest but when Paimon finished talking it was time for Haures to get angry.

-You understand? No you don't. I believed you did but you don't. At first I tried to protect you from the pain your break up with Eve brought you but in the process that selfless goal got mixed with my own anger. Let me tell you what I understand. You trusted that woman too much. You trusted everything she told you while our brother's life was on the line. I needed to trust your instincts and insight. You were supposed to be the one with the clear head but you let your emotions get the better of you. And in truth I wasn't too angry at that.But seeing you treating her as a "guest" inside our palace,being calm and caring towards her,smiling at her was really something I couldn't stand. We almost lost Thanos because of her,Paimon! If it weren't for you,the Dark Queen would have taken him and she would...I can't even think of the word without my breath being caught in my chest.

Paimon made a move to steady Haures as he was trying to regain control of his breathing but Haures shoved his hand away.

-We were so close to losing him!Forever this time! And just after we had gotten him back. All because a teenage Queen who hasn't dealt with anything more difficult than paperwork in her entire life decided to handle a crisis all by herself.And you are unaffected by it. I am still having nightmares when I have to wake up and run to Thanos's crib to make sure those 5 seconds between you stabbing the Queen and her taking our baby brother weren't a dream. And you,instead of being angry or disappointed,you behave as if her dangerous incompetence is simply a sum of unfortunate circumstances.I know you love her but I wonder sometimes if she is all you care about.So until you figure that out everything will be under my control. Our affairs,our missions and most importantly,our family. I am not asking if I am clear.If I wasn't by my words I will be by my actions. Now,I have to

go to our brother. His energy supply must be running low by now.

Haures started moving away towards Thanos's room without waiting for Paimon's response while tears were running down his face. Paimon started crying as well but only when Haures was far away and couldn't hear him.He was still the oldest of them,the realization that he had failed his family was no excuse for him crumbling down in front of his younger brother.

He walked back to the dinning hall,having wiped his eyes before seeing Eve again. But what he saw completely ruined his day. The Queen had gotten his phone, logged in the Supervising Database of All Bond Classes and was looking at the diagrams while her face had lost all color. He couldn't move,he felt too worn out from his previous fight with Haures to react to Eve stealing his phone. Eventually she looked up with a face full of terror and disbelief.

-Paimon? What is going on back home?

Now he knew how Eve felt when she thought she had control of the situation but she ended up seeing everything around her collapse.