A visit from the past


Not now,she thought,tired. Not now that she was sleeping so soundly.She hasn't slept like this in days.The constant beeping sound of the machines next to her bed and the recent sharp pain that shot through her being that came from the newly appeared deep cuts on her body.

The doctors couldn't explain how these wounds have appeared but she knew perfectly well the reason and she has been expecting this development to her health,with no fear.Guarding a bond by connecting it to your being was the most joyous and painful mission in the world.You could feel the love,compassion and understanding between two people and these things lighted your soul and uplifted your spirit.But when there was pain and sadness your body was filled with cuts as if wanting to capture the pain before it goes too deep into your soul.


That voice again.Angelica hadn't heard it before.For that she was sure.It was soft and melodic as if its purpose was to lure her to sleep not awake her

-Angelica.Come on,cousin.Wake up.

A strong but gentle hand touched her shoulder and Angelica,despite not wanting to,opened her eyes only to see a very beautiful woman standing before her.Her hair were golden like the midday sun and her eyes were blue like the clear ocean that wanted nothing more to capture the light of the sun but only managed to reflect it.Her movements were careful,majestic and above all elegant.However,Angelica still did not recognize the strange visitor.

-Who are you? And why have you awoken me from my peaceful slumber?

-I have not.Look around you,dear cousin.

Angelica darted her eyes left and right and realized,shocked that she wasn't in her hospital room but was surrounded by the meadow flowers.She looked again at her companion and only now did she notice her dress.Simple but beautifully sewed with blue thread.But it was not dress made for dancing or social gatherings.On the contrary it had a very specific purpose.To accompany the person wearing it to the next life.It was a funeral dress.

-I am truly sorry for the sudden visit but it was urgent that we talk.I am Annerose. The previous Duchess of the Forbidden Class.

-Your Grace.It is a pleasure and an honor to meet your acquaintance.But why have you come to see me?

-As you recall we have been extinct for many centuries.But some of our bonds survived.Or rather,appeared after our extinction and were successfully preserved.The bond between Eric and George belongs to that category.

-I know,your Grace.But what does this have to do with me?

-Please,allow me to finish.As you can understand my sisters,despite being dead,their souls recently awoke from the distress they sensed from that bond.

-I am afraid I don't understand.Their bond has a carrier?

-No,no.The bonds between humans and ethereal beings are not entitled to carriers but we can still sense them.Anyway,we discovered with great sadness that partially responsible for the problems one of our last representative faces are your sources.

Angelica felt a cold wave of fear rising from inside her.If Annerose was angry,or even worse if she was simply expressing the anger of her entire class then Angelica had every reason to be afraid.But instead,Annerose approached her and gently grabbed her shoulders as if she wanted to alleviate her fear.

-Relax.You know I would never harm you.Our class and the Fourth Class are bound by ancient bonds of kinship.We are cousins.But I fear that the souls of my sisters have become too restless.And too angry.So much so that they have devised false scenarios that fuel their rage.They believe that all this is a plan of the Third Class,in an attempt to strike the Forbidden Class.It is no secret that our classes hate each other but accusing and attaching the Erotic Bonds falsely,undermines us and our heritage.

-You mean to tell me that a war between classes is imminent?

-I am doing everything in my power to prevent that but the situation is critical.Eve is busy at the moment and I have no desire to disturb her.Not to mention that involving the Queen who has four Forbidden Bonds would only aggravate the situation furher.So I came to you for help.

-How can I help solve this matter peacefully?

-A wound doesn't heal with the knife still inside.Your sources are angry with Eric and George and their recent actions have created problems for the latters. Right now the soul brothers are keeping your sources hostage and as you can imagine the situation is tenser than ever.

-Understandable.You want me to go rescue my sources?

-No.No,I am afraid your job is a tad harder than that.I want you to try to resolve a situation one of your sources caused.I believe his name is Anthony.

-Oh no.What did he do?

-To put it simply because my time here is running out,he destroyed the upcoming proposal George was about to make to his soul brother.

-I always knew his lack of tact and resourcefulness would prove troublesome one day

-And I am afraid this day has arrived.Now you understand better why all the Forbidden Class is upset

-Yes.I can sense why they feel offended and why they are accusing their old enemies for this.Don't worry,your Majesty. I will do everything in my power to make amends for his mistakes.

-Thank you.I must go now.And don't worry about your wounds.They have all been taken care of.

-One moment,your Grace.I am sorry if the question is a bit rude but why did you come to me? You could have just talked to the soul brothers yourself and you would probably be more efficient than I will be.

Annerose laughed elegantly and looked at Angelica with her crystal blue eyes.

-Because,right now they will listen to someone patient,diplomatic,respectful and understanding.In other words they need a Fourth Class Bond.

As Annerose started to fade she leaned to Angelica's ear and whispered before she disappeared like mist.

-And who better than the future Duchess of the Fourth Class?