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First meetings are important

-Your program is quite simple.You are to get up at 6am, prepare my bath,my clothes,my jewelry and have breakfast brought in my room.Not necessarily in that order. But you must keep in mind that when I wake up,my bath should be warm and my breakfast hot.Understand,so far?

Eve seemed a bit lost but was cooperative so far. Fiona saw the strange look on her new servant's face and decided to find out a bit more about her new companion.So she ordered another servant bring them tea and invited Eve to join her.

-Tell me more about yourself.After all,we will be spending a lot of time together as of today.

-There isnt anything more to tell.

-I beg to differ.Forgive me for doubting but you dont look like a thief.

-And may I ask what do I look like?

-More like a princess.

Fiona was amazed to discover that her compliment had hardly any effect on her quest.That could only mean that she either hears it too often and has stop believing it or she tells it to herself too often that she has stop expecting to hear it from others.But Fiona wasnt lying.Her elegant stance,diplomatic answers and somewhat childish introversion gave Eve a majestic air.

-If that is the case then, I will be of much service to you.

-Indeed.Suppose I believe what you said to Haures in the throne room. How did you manage to sneak in to the nursery?

-It wasnt too hard.The guards were half asleep so late anyway and Haures never sets foot in there unless he cant do otherwise.

Fiona put her cup of tea down and looked Eve straight in the eye.

-You are not from around here,are you?

-How have you come to this conclusion?

-...Because Haures cares a lot about his brother.

Eve looked at her sideways puzzled but inside her she felt the all familiar panic of ignorance dominate her.Not her own,because Eve was very sure that during this time Haures rarely even picked up Thanos let alone care for him. It would be years,even eons,before Haures's affection started to appear.But how did Fiona know? It must be her intuition and cleverness that showed her the signs because,as far as Eve remembered,Fate couldnt see into the future.

-His behaviour proves otherwise.

Fate chuckled elegantly and went to the next room,still laughing and came back holding a basket.

-It is obvious that forcing you to talk to me will prove to futile but I cant have you think that I speak nonsense.

Fiona left the basket at Eve's feet and much to the her astonishment,Eve saw that inside the basket was a laughing baby. And by his energy signature Eve realised that it was Thanos,from the future.

-Haures handed him over to me,until he decided what to do with the "replica". But,I quickly noticed that something was....foreign about him. So I checked his energy signature and it didnt take me long to realise that it was slightly different. But before I had a chance to analyze it further,the baby forced me out of his energy system and in his attempt he allowed some memories to be projected.

Eve was using all of her willpower to remain calm and collected at this point.This was a major development and not a favourable one. Thanos was absent when they conducted the plan so Fate probably doesn't know anything about that,which is good.However,she could have seen valuable information about the future that she could use at any time is benefits her.

-I dont understand how it may interest you the memories of a baby.

Eve's attempt to pretend to be ignorant was a major failure as Fiona reapproached her,laughing loudly, and sat again opposite her guest with her head resting between her elbows on the the table.

-If that is your best attempt to figure out what I had discovered then you are not as cunning as you appear to be.

-If you didn't wish to tell me what you have learned,you wouldnt have mentioned it.

-I am not obliged to reveal my knowledge to you.

-No.But you want to.Because you know that half knowledge is useless. You want me to fill the gaps.

-Will you?

-Only if you fill mine.

-You dont seem to need them.

-I do. So,will we speak openly now?

Fiona lifted her head and laid back to the chair with one hand hugging the backrest,with a look of confidence and amusement on her face.

-Okay.I didnt see much.But it was obvious that the infant used to be an adult.Thanos used to be a grown up and then something happened and now he is reduced in this state.This could only mean one thing.You three are from the future.My question is simple:why have you come here?

-You dont care to ask who we are? You were so eager to learn before.

-That is something I will find out eventually.Now, answer my question and then I will answer one of yours.

-...We,or to be more precise I,need to speak urgently to someone who has been causing us troubles and seems unwilling to listen to reason.Maybe his younger self will prove to be more cooperative.

-You are not telling me everything.I can tell.But I suppose that is to be expected.After all, you aren't allowed to reveal too much about the future.I will accept your answer.Now,what do you wish to know?

-Why did you take the baby away from Haures? Because I dont believe that he handed him over to you. Haures doesn't trust anyone and especially someone who doesn't hold in high regard,which became obvious by the way he was ignoring you in the throne room.

-I didn't take him.It is the truth that Haures,despite the way that he dismisses my opinion and advice,entrusted him to me but only for the purpose to kill him which I didnt do.I am surprised that you wasted your question for something so trivial.

-I doubt you will tell me anything important without leaving out something or alter the facts.

-Do you think I am a liar?

-I think you dont trust people easily and you talked too much for our first meeting today.

-Its true.And since we are already bound by mutual secrets I have a proposition for you.

-I am listening.

-I cant keep Thanos in my room.Sooner or later,Haures is going to find out and I will be in big trouble.The baby needs to go somewhere where he will not be found.

-Excellent idea.Do you have a place in mind?

-Yes.The prison with his brothers.

Eve nearly spit her tea when she heard it.A terrible execution of a very good idea.

-I dont think this is a viable solution.

-It is neither viable nor satisfactory but it is the best one available.Haures doesnt bother visiting his prisoners.His ego doesnt allow it.But if we put the kid anywhere else there is always the danger of him being discovered.And then,death is certain.For all three of us.

-I understand your reasoning.Okay,I will take him down to the cells.But why do I have the feeling that you want me to help you in an additional way?

-Think of it as repayment for rescuing the child.As a servant you will be able to roam freely inside the palace,undetected and ignored by everyone.I want you to use that advantage to extract information.

-From whom?

-Haures.Anything that you hear about him can be very useful.Ideally,if you get the chance,sneak inside his office and search it.

-What exactly am I looking for?

-Nothing specific.Consider myself his enemy.This will help you filter the information you will be getting.

-It is too vague. I need more information.Your hatred for Haures is obvious and justified but I still dont understand how you are planning to attack him.

-That is for me to know and you to ignore.After all,you said it yourself.I dont trust people.

-Indeed you dont.

After that,Fate dismissed Eve and the later walked the long dark corridors,which to Eve seemed haunted by tormented souls, on her way to the servants chambers. When she arrived everyone was asleep,even her roommate so she didnt get the chance to get acquainted with anyone.She was too tired anyway.She changed her clothes in a hurry,without even opening a light, and collapsed on top of her humble bed,with the straw mattress and dirty streets.Eve fell asleep almost immediately without caring that this bed was nothing compared to the luxurious, king-sized bed she usually slept back in the palace.