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The Journey Begins

Derek was stunned. If someone could be so powerful after just unlocking their 6th sense? What heights could one possibly reach after unlocking their 8th sense?

Just as he was about to ask Emma to give him an idea regarding this, her phone started ringing. Emma gave an apologetic look and withdrew herself from the room to answer the call. After a couple of minutes, she entered with a pensive look on her face.

"Some of our members have gotten into a scuffle with the scavengers so I am afraid I have to head there immediately to handle the issue.

I don't have time to babysit you and answer all the questions. Someone from my squad will take over and help you out. One last advice before I leave. Once you reach the academy, don't rush behind power.

Learn about the world first. Also, talk less and listen more. The walls have ears as well as mouths".

With a puzzled look, Derek asked "I've heard the phrase 'the walls have ears' but what do you mean they have mouths as well?"

Emma didn't bother answering his question. With a playful smile, she asked him to take care and left him alone in the room. After some time, a green haired girl with thick glasses walked in.

"Derek, right? Come with me. I will escort you to the Academy city and get you settled in. I don't have much patience so don't bother me."

Just as Derek was wondering if he had offended her somehow, she threw a book on the table.

"This book has some of the basic details about the main base and academy city. Oh and if you are under the assumption that we will be friends as be are both under Miss Emma, think again.

I have no idea why she picked you for such an important role. Until you prove yourself, you don't even have to know my name and if you do something detrimental to her highness, I will kill you myself"

After saying what was on her mind, she left, leaving Derek speechless. He didn't understand what exactly the position of the first subordinate was but judging based on how this girl had acted just now, it seemed to be a pretty big deal.

This only further excited Derek. With increasing anticipation, he took a glance at the book. It was divided into 3 main sections.

The 1st was named 'Bases'. It was a brief about the numerous bases of 8th sense that were scattered around the world.

The 2nd was named 'Organisations'. This section was about the various organisations in the world that were aware of Sensium and its wonders. The last was titled 'Basic introduction to Power System' which glossed over the different power systems of the world;

Derek couldn't wait to flip to the 3rd section but his conversation with Emma came to his mind. She had urged him to not be in a hurry and learn about the world first. Also, she had mentioned something about a group called Scavengers. Curious, Derek took a look and was surprised.

Initially, based on his conversation with Emma, he thought there was only the Monsters collective and The order, 2 of the main enemies of 8th sense who knew about Sensium bit he couldn't be more wrong.

There were other organisations as well who were privy to this information. Not all these organisations were friendly either. For example, the Scavengers. No one knew their origins but they were always against 8th sense albeit in a low key way.

Apart from there, there were also the neutral organisations 'The Arm of Justice' and the 'Merchant alliance'. Like the name suggested, The Merchant alliance were just a group of profit-oriented people who had dealings with every single organisation. Their main aim in life is to make money so they facilitate all sorts of trade with and between all organisations.

Unlike the Merchant alliance who operated openly without any secrets, there was hardly any information regarding the Arm of Justice. The only thing that was known is that they do not stand injustice and are always running behind the ones who commit crimes. No one knew why they were hell bent on pursuing criminals and what motivates them to do so.

After reading up on the different organisations, Derek Realized how much more there was in his world and how lucky he was to be given an opportunity to be a part of this. This further strengthened his resolve to become strong and run behind the mysteries of the world.

As he was about to continue reading the book, the green haired girl came back and threw a black ball straight at his face. It was so sudden that Derek couldn't even react. Just he was bracing for impact, the ball hit his face but surprisingly, the pain didn't come.

The ball melted into his face and covered his entire face. Derek panicked as he suddenly couldn't see anything and the black substance even covered his nose and mouth.

He held his breath and desperately tried to claw his face hoping to remove the black substance. Just then he heard a very condescending voice say "Idiot" and then he felt someone hit his head.

This calmed him down and then came the realization that he could actually breathe properly and he had unnecessarily panicked.

It was the green haired girl who had called him an idiot. It was probably also her who had hit him on his head. If she could see his face right how she would see a very embarrassed Derek.

He took deep breaths and sheepishly apologized for overreacting just now. In his mind, he secretly cursed her for not explaining anything.

If Derek could see her right now, he would see that a small smile had worked its way up to her always serious face. She had clearly enjoyed Derek's earlier predicament. Satisfied after seeing him squirming, she said,

"This is a breathable material so don't worry, you will be fine. As you are a newbie, your security clearance isn't high enough so you can't see anything regarding the base. Don't worry, even though I don't like you, I won't make you walk around blind"

As soon as Derek heard that, he imagined her leading him to a staircase and asking him to walk straight. He shivered at the thought of this and was thankful that she wasn't heartless. But just as he was thinking how he was going to get out of the room, the chair that he was sitting on moved.

It was pretty fast as Derek could feel the wind on his arms. Within a minute, the chair stopped and the material that was on his face was removed.

He was standing inside a golden capsule of sorts. He looked around but couldn't see anything apart from two very comfortable looking seats. The girl asked him to sit and occupied the other chair. Just as she was about to input a set of commands into a very fancy looking screen, Derek voiced

"Umm I am sorry, but can you at least tell me where the main base is?"

"Didn't you read the book I gave you?" She snapped in an annoyed voice

"Actually, I started reading about the various organisations. Before I could read about the bases, you came and threw that thing on my face" Derek grumbled.

Maybe the girl felt a tad bit guilty so she said "oho you talk as if I tried to kill you. It was just a harmless prank. Anyway, I am in a good mood so I will answer your question just this once."

"The main base is in Antarctica and before you picture a cold desolate place, let me inform you that it is nothing like that."

"Our researchers had, a very long time ago already invented temperature controllers so the main base is one of the most beautiful and present spots in the world.

Our destination is one of the 3 main cities of the main base, 'Academy city'."