Chapter 49

While eating their meal, Justin suddenly spoke. "I just remembered earlier the reason why I went here," he said as he looked at his food. "Yeah? Did you miss me?" Tristan beamed. Justin frowned as he placed his utensils on his plate. "Okay, okay, I'm sorry. Tell me why," Tristan said as he smiled apologetically.

"Ain't nothin' but a heartache. Tell me why, ain't nothin' but a mistake~" Justin sang. Tristan laughed at Justin's sudden singing. He bit his lower lip to stop himself from laughing and said, "Hey, come on. You were so serious just a moment ago." Justin giggled and said, "Yeah, yeah. Back to what I was about to say. Well, I came here last night because I wanted to um... How do I say this... Rant? I wanted to rant about what happened yesterday."

Tristan's eyebrows scrunched. "Yesterday? What happened?" He said as he looked at him with a serious expression.

'Nothing bad happened to him, right?' Tristan though as he waited for Justin to speak again.