Chapter 55

What in the world...

I feel like if I laugh or smile right now, he'd get really embarrassed and might take this photo album from me.

"Ah, no!" Justin yelled as he yanked the album from my hands. "I barely saw anything!" I said as I gave him a you're-so-unbelievable look. "Please, not that!" He said as he hurriedly opened the album and took the picture out.

"What's wrong with that picture? You looked so cute!" I said as I chuckled. "But I was naked, Tristan!" He frowned. "So what? It's not like I haven't seen you naked before," I said with a smug look on my face as I shrugged.

"You...!" He bit his lower lip, scrunched his brows, and glared at me as his face got flushed. "I really hate you," he grumbled as he put the picture back inside the album. "No, you don't. I know you love me," I said as I winked at him.

He raised his middle finger and threw the album gently on my lap.