Chapter 57


I feel like shit.

I feel like shit because my heart skipped a fucking beat when I bumped into him earlier.

Seriously, what's wrong with me? This man in front of me used to lie a lot to me and now I feel like I became a teenage boy again, getting all flustered and nervous just because he's in my house.

I wanna kill myself right now, argh! This is so embarrassing.

"By the way, your manager called earlier. I told him to pick you up," I said as I looked at him.

Ah, just look at those eyes of his! His fluffy brown hair, his cute nose, his plump lips, everything!

I don't even watch TV because I might see him. Now that he's in front of me, I've already confirmed that once I see his face, the negative feelings I had for him suddenly disappears as if nothing happened before.

I gotta act cool. Keep your cool, Xander.