Chapter 64

"We'll get going now!" Justin said as he waved goodbye to his parents. Tristan also waved goodbye with his hand that was covered with a thick glove as he smiled at them. "Take care, you two! Drive safely!" Marina yelled from the front door.

Tristan opened the door for Justin and went inside immediately as soon as Justin had gone in. He felt so cold to the extent where he felt like he was gonna freeze to death.

Tristan started the engine and began driving. Music was playing on the radio and Justin hummed to the song that was currently playing.

"Darling," Tristan called. "Hmm?" Justin glanced at him. "You're starting to emit your pheromones. I assume you're gonna be in heat soon," Tristan said as he glanced at his boyfriend.

"Oh, yeah. I brought suppressants with me in case something like that happens," Justin smiled at him. Still facing the road, Tristan said, "Why? Why would you need suppressants, when I'm here?" The alpha grinned with what he said.