Chapter 127

"What's wrong, hmm? Why are my baby's eyes swollen?" Justin said as he cupped Tristan's cheeks, looking at him with a worried expression on his face.

His cat-like icy blue eyes looked so sad from seeing how Tristan looked when he came back with Daniel.

Justin looked at his brother, his eyes asking him why Tristan looked like a total mess. Daniel just shrugged and walked away so as to not get in the way of the couple.

'He's calling me baby when he's six years younger than me. How cute,' Tristan thought as he tried his best not to smile.

The moment he and Daniel got back to the banquet hall, Justin came running to them and left the twins in his parents' care. He got so worried that Daniel might have hurt Tristan that he ran to them right away.

Although it was an adorable sight, Tristan's heart still ached when he saw Justin's face. What Daniel told him earlier was still engraved in his mind that he even felt a bit embarrassed to face Justin right now.