The Betrayal

The nonsense came. The introductions lasted for ten minutes or so. Everyone just had to mention their fathers, their possessions and their businesses, and even though this was probably relevant information, Serenica felt very tired already.

Then they decided to talk about witches.

No one said the word. It was obvious to anyone with ears that the practitioners of magic were the topic. Weasel words and euphemisms were used. The main concern was supposed to be the consumption of illegal drugs, but it was framed in a way that left Kinley's doctors out of the equation. There was a gray area in the laws concerning medical use of certain herbs and herb extracts, and the gray was tinted with blood red, gray and red everywhere, Serenica was so tired. She was so worried.

Apparently the crux of the problem had already been mulled over in previous meetings, and the council members quickly moved on towards the actual sanctions for those selling the shepherd and the paw without permission.

A cold, dark dread dropped into the pit of Serenica's stomach. Her life was at stake here.

"It is, of course, beneficial to show some flexibility in the assessment of punishments, am I wrong, gentlemen?" Kinley said, her voice still crystal clear and without any real emotion.

Everyone seemed to agree on the condition that something draconic would follow.

"However, seeing as the drug abuse epidemic has caused such things, things we discussed in an earlier meeting, the deformations and the miscarriages, a true threat to the core of our society, I suggest our next batch of lawbreakers will be given jail sentences at the very least. The most egregious offenders may, in case of an arrest, fight back, in which case I feel even lethal force is justified."

Serenica knew what Kinley meant. She was essentially giving her men a license to kill and asking for acceptance. She would get that, no doubt.

As Serenica had feared, everyone felt the same. Everyone with some power over the decisions.

"What about doctors?" a skinny man in his forties asked without requesting permission to speak. "Are they exempt?"

"I would reckon a doctor would have his license," the secretary said. "Do we agree?"

Everyone agreed.

Serenica thanked her lucky stars for having forged a few pieces of writing back in her early healing days.

Then came the names. There were lots of rumors, most of them from the same tattlers, and Serenica cursed herself for not knowing the identities of the informants. She wanted to strangle them all with her own two hands.

"Higger Hicks… Will be arrested for drugging a man's drink at a tavern… Amanda Hozer, performed an illegal abortion on her sister… Moyrka Ianstone, gave intoxicating herbs to a mentally impaired person… Serenica Ingram, has been selling at least two kinds of aforementioned herbs for years and will thus be arrested… Jay Karshman, used medicine stolen from his doctor as a wager in betting –"

"They mentioned you!" Helen hissed, apparently barely containing her panic.

"I know," Serenica whispered back at her.

Her veins were on fire. Her heart had turned her blood into lava. Every part of her body was throbbing and pulsating and she had to fight herself to sit still.

The list of names went on. There was no way there were so many witches in Neul. Some of the accusations were made up.

The meeting ended abruptly, as Wheatby at the end of the table demanded to be released to make the arrests. He reminded Serenica of a bloodhound with his excitable nature and enthusiasm about violence. She even thought that as the level of his excitement was unrealistic, there had to be an ulterior motive in this. Perhaps Wheatby was fatally in love with his dear Miss Kinley. This thought brought some comfort to Serenica, as people were easier to manipulate if they loved something.

Murdon had betrayed his word. Serenica thought that the absolute bastard might have gotten a fat reward for her head, something better than her coins. She was supposed to have time.

She rushed towards her apartment. She had to have her license somewhere. It had cost her a pretty penny, but it had always been enough to turn curious eyes away. She liked to think of herself as the master of forgeries. She should have gone and made them for the rest of Neul, too.

There was something else to be done. Serenica stopped Helen at her door.

"I know I've asked a lot of favors from you lately."

"And I have given you everything I have. Always have. Always will."

"I will ask something distasteful of you."

"If it ensures your survival, it can never be too much."

"Get me a pistol."

Helen shuddered.

"Get me a flintlock pistol and some shots. I will find my license. In the meantime, get me a gun. I will kill Murdon."

Serenica expected Helen to object to the intention. Instead her friend said:"Or you could use a damn knife like a grown woman."

"You want me to wrestle him? You said it yourself. I am a woman. There is no fighting fair when all you've got is a –"

"All right. I understand. You must go for the kill straight away. Using a knife would be too dangerous. I get you. I think I can get you something."

"I don't want something. I want a damn pistol."

"You'll have your pistol. Mother of worms. Give me some time. I'll see you near the Blue Girl at midnight."

Serenica was overcome with love towards the woman and she wanted to embrace her, but Helen left in a hurry, probably cursing all the arrangements she had to make soon.

The license was under a pile of papers that were to be burned. Serenica was shocked at her own nonchalance. She could have accidentally destroyed the most important piece of paper she owned.

As she took a closer look in the lettering and the general look of the forged license, she noticed something.

She had given herself a general license. What she needed was a special license, as she was both female and a Raelian.

It was a close call. It was very unlikely that Wheatby or one of his little hounds would accept the paper as it was. Times had been different when Serenica had started out. She had to make the decision to either ride this crippled horse until the very end or – if this was hopeless, then she had to jump ship. She had to get out of Neul. Preferably out of Sennas. It was possible. Not easy, but possible. She hardly had enough money to pay her way west or north. She would have to work. Healers and doctors were worth their weight in gold on the high seas. Who knew? She could even hitch a ride from Gadfly and his crowd.

It was barely even a decision.