Bloodthirsty Scoundrels

The little spiders appeared to be harmless. Serenica didn't want to leave anything up to chance, though, and she shook them off, shocked and disgusted.

It was very much apparent by now that Kinley was low on energy. She made a leap for Serenica's pistol, but she was way too slow. The healer got a hold of the gun. Its surface temperature was now bearable.

"Hold on!" Kinley roared.

Serenica pointed her pistol at her enemy.

"Why should I not kill you now?" she asked.

"Because you will not hit me," the woman replied. "You will shoot my hostage. Is that what you truly want?"

Kinley reached towards the curtain behind her. She reached behind it and pulled out a very confused and terrified Helen Dastra.

Serenica froze.

Kinley yanked Helen's arm to pull the socialite in front of her as a human shield.

Serenica couldn't think of anything to say or do.