Prestigious Experiences

"Come, come, be quick! We have to make our way back again or we're doomed!" the ghost urged Serenica as they crawled in the tunnel.

The darkness that was only penetrated by the ghastly light of Helen's figure seemed to last forever. At one point Serenica thought about giving up.

Suddenly they came into a place where the tunnel split in two.

"I don't want to meet him," Helen said. "You go to the right. Meet me here soon. Be quick."

Serenica made her way up the tunnel that was quickly curving up towards what she could only assume to be a prison cell.

She came to the surface and into the light of a lone torch. A man was sitting in the nearest corner of the cell. Serenica had a hard time making sense of what she saw, since her vision was now that of a mouse and she couldn't fully comprehend things much larger than herself. The perfume was unmistakable, though. That prisoner was Spade.

"Hello, mouse," he said.