In Pieces

Serenica followed the messenger to a little shop that served both tea and coffee. She found Innai sitting in a table near the window.

"You're not one second early," he said.

"I missed you," Serenica said.

"Everyone misses me. I can't imagine how bad you must feel when I die." Innai cleared his throat and ordered some tea to be poured for Serenica, as if she had been a lady of some importance.

She realized she had an actual effect on the world around her and accepted the tea.

"I heard you were about to become a doctor." The old man took a sip. "It might still be hot, but I strongly recommend trying it already. The herbs work better when it's really hot.

"Thank you," Serenica said and tasted the tea. "I might become a doctor. There are still multiple ifs and buts."

"Nonsense, you know it will happen," Innai said. "Do you reckon you'll have time to do what you promised to do?"