Collecting Debts

Deim was everyone's protector. He had secured for himself a position where no one dared to intervene in his appetites. He made friends easily and stayed loyal to those who didn't cross him. The tricky thing was that sometimes even acts completely unrelated to him were against his principles. This allowed him to feed on human flesh every once in a while, removing from his surroundings those who could be considered a threat to his community.

All in all, he was a pleasant man for a cannibal. He also made some delicious date cakes.

"I hope you don't mind that Theod's a bit salty," Spade said as he helped himself to his third date cake. "I had to do something to keep him edible. Didn't take a bite myself. You know how the thought makes me nauseous."

Serenica would have vomited again, but the taste of the cakes was good enough to counteract the morbid topic.

"Are we square, then?" the captain asked.