
On the other hand Serenica really didn't want to go, but a large part of her screamed to be let out – out of the smothering safety of the island. When she saw her baby brother all grown up in the hands of a woman who would probably become her sister-in-law soon, she knew there was nothing more she could do. She had prevented Gunner from leaving with her.

When she felt the familiar rocking of the ocean under her, she let out a deep sigh that she had been holding onto for hours.

"Family, right?" The Admiral winked at her. "We're lucky to have such things. Appreciate it. You'll have to bury your parents even if things go the way they're supposed to go."

Ed was not concerned with such frivolities. He was foaming at the mouth, explaining about the invisible force that moved all living beings to everyone who passed him by, but the captain wanted him to make sense of the treasure map.