The Southern Island

Serenica considered the possibility that her feral side had somehow been amplified by the presence of the little spirit of the mouse. It seemed likely that it had some effect on her.

Everyone was thrilled that she had managed to scare off a beast like that.

Then a new roar echoed from the shore.

Serenica froze.

A griffin, much larger than the first one, appeared, shaking its wings and its mane. This had to be a male, for the difference in size was great and the one they had seen earlier had lacked a mane.

It roared and its huge claws were treading the sand. It was apparent that while it did not see the pirates as prey, it definitely saw them as a threat. This was not how large animals like that acted when seeing something tasty. This griffin considered them intruders, and dangerous, and that was a terrifying thing in itself.

Serenics shot at the beast, but it moved and her shot barely even grazed its left ear.