Sea Monsters

"What do you think it should say?" Spade asked Serenica as he threw away yet another failed attempt. "A sea monster? A sea monster large and frightening enough that no sane man or woman would try to challenge it?"

"Yes, I think the latter is suitable. Why are you so nervous about this?" she asked.

"This fae stuff is expensive. Do you have any idea how bad it is with these things? I nearly had to sell my soul for this jar." The captain tapped the lid of a jar that was full of something that looked like a white, slimy substance that was slightly iridescent.

"Yes, I know, I know. Should we specify the type of monster we want them to see?"

They debated about the details for a while and then settled on letting the witchcraft decide. All the spell ingredients were put into a jar to make the casting process easier.

The animals were slaughtered, save for a few necessary individuals.

They threw the bloody mess overboard and waited.