
The Princess was floating near the waterline, the right side up and everything, the masts still intact. Serenica could hardly believe this to be true, but they rushed towards their ship, crying and laughing.

"It's her! It's really her!"

Serenica didn't know how they managed to board the ship, but they did, and while there was some visible damage, nothing too serious had happened, and they could easily wait until they reached Neul or a similar port to do the needed repairs.

"I can't believe she is safe!" Serenica shouted as she slipped on the wet deck and fell painfully on her backside. Frankly, even though elite piracy was quite lucrative, she had not had much time to significantly soften her buttocks, and being bony in that area, she felt every fall in her very bones.

Blackbones and John helped her up.

"Another one's coming!" the captain roared and pointed towards the horizon. "Hold onto everything! Anything!"