The Stench

"What are they? What do they want?" Serenica asked as her anxious nature settled in again.

"How should I know?! This land has things beyond what the wildest imaginations can produce! There are probably spirits in the Forest, too! I don't want you to be doomed!"

This would have been a pleasant development, a healthy bout of natural emotions, mostly fear, but as her fear was rational, Serenica could not find much joy in the returning of common sense to Essieca's mind.

"We can't sleep," the healer sighed. "Of course we can't. Spirits and ghosts, I don't want to anger them. Even invisible things, no, especially invisible things can be very territorial at times."

They listened to any possible sounds coming from the corridor, but there were none, until someone walked to their room, and from the familiar swagger in the steps Serenica could safely say that they heard a pirate going to sleep, nothing more, nothing less.