Fruitful Improvisations

"Why should I trust you?" the giant asked.

"You don't have anyone else to pull out your rotten tooth," Serenica said. "You are an outcast. Am I right about that?"

"It does hurt, but I will kill you all if you do something funny."

"Great." Serenica had not expected her improvisation to be so fruitful. Now she had to use some kind of leverage to get the tooth out. She feared that she would have to use a sword for that.

First, though, she had to get free from the bundle she was tied into.

"All right, I need a dozen strong men, something to use as rope, the sharpest sword and the strongest alcohol, lots of it," she said. "I need to be untied, and same goes for the aforementioned strong men. Do we still have that moonshine?"