
Complaints of wives and healers should have been heard and answered, yet they rarely were. Even now the strange conceptual jealousy kept on brewing as they sailed north.

Myorka's body language turned to passive gestures and holding her body like she was wounded.

Serenica could have said that she understood, but she wasn't a mother, and she didn't know what it was like being rejected, since she had never wanted anyone except for the prince. She kept her mouth shut and did as she was told to do.

This deadrouser woman had made herself hard to find, but on the next island, they found a little hut above a mangrove swamp, safe from the moisture, but not safe from the bugs.

No one was home. They had to wait.

"She is probably out fishing," Spade said and withdrew to sulk in his solitude, this time completely sober.

For some reason, this current development alerted Serenica. She went to check out how he was doing.