
Serenica and Spade were now outnumbered, and it was even worse that Myorka was not on their side any longer. The healer seriously considered joining the mutiny.

Before she could say anything, though, a man pointed a gun at her.

"We are resting now, the crew says so, the crew is the king," Deim told her. "I want you to check every work-related injury, every sunburn, everything."

Serenica spent a fair amount of time getting her men back in shape. Of course rest was the best medicine, but she truly felt too much pain to stay still. She ended up fixing things that technically did not need fixing. The men were grateful, but they still wanted to lounge around and make themselves feel better with the aid of grog and the paw.

Ed did not look too pleased with the obvious intention to party. He did not like anything that dulled the mind. He did not say anything. He was too smart for that.