Much Trust

She had to go to Spade to confirm this, of course. She did not have that much trust for Indigo.

The captain used bloodsight and told her that things were indeed just as bad as they had thought.

A distress call was sent to the northern islands by the Dreamer, but they could only get a few ships to support them. Understandably, the northerners were not too keen on helping Sennas, a nation that had abused the islands for a hundred years.

As if this was not enough, as they were sailing at full speed to catch up with the progress of the Maroon King, Spade got really pale all of a sudden and retreated into his cabin.

He didn't have the time to lock the door. Serenica was fast when needed, and she could discern real medical distress from lesser troubles with ease.

"I will kill you if you let yourself die," she said as she closed the door behind her.