Four Witches

One would have thought that cannons firing at a person would make said person constantly jumpy and scared. It had to be so, with others, who were not as desensitized to warfare as Serenica was.

Ed was there, keeping her company and pleasantly chatting about everything that occupied her mind, so, naturally, it was not all that bad to be lounging in her workspace while the guns roared and were loaded and fired again. The endless cycle became almost boring to a degree; death became a mundane possibility.

"It does bother me terribly that no one has, to my knowledge, ever truly brought a person back," Serenica said, chewing her nails with an absent mind and some liquor in her goblet.

Ed did not partake in drinking – rather, he sought to keep his mind clear at all costs.

"To your knowledge…" He chuckled softly. "We should invite your man to join us. Perhaps he will be less of an awfully dusty weatherworn academic oaf than I am."