No One Safer

Serenica didn't have much interest in giving anyone emotional support right now, least of all for the sake of the man who did not feel emotions as normal people felt them. Ed, though, he was the kind of person who made the healer make exceptions, and they talked about possibilities and impossibilities for a while. Serenica didn't trust him about these matters, though, not when it came to witchcraft.

They headed towards Innai's island for negotiations. It was considered far safer to negotiate on dry land, and Serenica, having also seen her fair share of water and knowing what it was capable of, agreed with the notion that they were all better off that way.

She had also given her mother a heads up and made sure that she was around along with Mr. Ingram in order to serve as a stabilizing party in the negotiations. Who knew, perhaps classic Raelian cuisine would be enough to make even the sourest king reconsider his choices in life.